Winky Dinky Dog

Really unfathomable. They couldn't trade him to the Raiders for a draft pick?

Butt was preceded in death by his parents, Virginia and Dickens.

I'm just glad I didn't see any tattoos in that photo. That would've ruined it for me.

Does it ever feel like some of your best commenters have driven over a bridge to the middle of nowhere?

How are the sports going?


Am I legally required to do my job when there's air show practice going on overhead?

Any favorite (non-homer) stadiums that you like and why? Ambiance? Architecture? Food?

What do you do in the down times? (When you're not making lists.) Is there a Gawker game room?

Ok, I'll give it a go: I'll fame Craggs, shame Gumbel, and rip out Costas's eyes (just to be safe.)

Why is there an economist on here explaining Marx when the NCAA has access to plenty of teachers?

Hot Dog Sandwich Tim Kurkjian

None of these dudes has their hand on their hip so I'm not sure how I should judge them.

Fat is the latest hipster trend.

Please go to that tent over there to retrieve your luggage. No not that one- that's the security tent, that's the check-in tent, that's the food court tent, and THAT'S the baggage tent.

What a hoot! Though everyone was a little disappointed at Bob for forgetting the slightly open catcher's mitt drawing in the car.

Sure, go ahead and use your logic to explain the explainable. See how far that gets ya!

Nice article, Barry. I'm looking forward to arguing semantics when I have more time on my hands.


Quite a lemon of a performance she was given. I think she did right.