Winky Dinky Dog

More importantly, Sheriff Joe is hiring!!!

@katni: There's an AJD down there too. I think that's nibblian for THE BALLS.

@SonofSpurrier: If Rivers is knocked out and J Billy Volek comes in, how many more signs that the Apocalypse is drawing nigh would be left?

Ben Franklin his ass*

Link to Penelope Cruz story = I have no idea what original story was about.

Insert funny joke about Nibbles eating more than Orangino.

I give this 10 more minutes.

@LeagueofShadows: Welcome to the underground. Dues are paid at the first of the month.

So is Rocky the White Wizard to Bill's Grey?

If you take 'BCS' and substitute the letters with other letters you get '###'.

Big Cats by 10.

I was hoping the "real reason" would have something to do with the Song Girls (naked in my bed.)

Carlisle by 7.

I see in his profile that he's a fan of Cleveland/Ohio teams and a Jeff Garcia reacharound.

Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Believe it or not, I'm going to do a pushup from the grave.

It beats that heresy that is science fact.