More importantly, Sheriff Joe is hiring!!!
More importantly, Sheriff Joe is hiring!!!
@katni: There's an AJD down there too. I think that's nibblian for THE BALLS.
@SonofSpurrier: If Rivers is knocked out and J Billy Volek comes in, how many more signs that the Apocalypse is drawing nigh would be left?
Ben Franklin his ass*
Link to Penelope Cruz story = I have no idea what original story was about.
Insert funny joke about Nibbles eating more than Orangino.
I give this 10 more minutes.
@LeagueofShadows: Welcome to the underground. Dues are paid at the first of the month.
@BigTenObsession: Chris Rose?
So is Rocky the White Wizard to Bill's Grey?
@HeavyPettingZoo: Don't forget the team formerly known as the NOOCH!
If you take 'BCS' and substitute the letters with other letters you get '###'.
Big Cats by 10.
I was hoping the "real reason" would have something to do with the Song Girls (naked in my bed.)
@phillas: half-caf pussies.
Carlisle by 7.
I see in his profile that he's a fan of Cleveland/Ohio teams and a Jeff Garcia reacharound.
Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!
Believe it or not, I'm going to do a pushup from the grave.
It beats that heresy that is science fact.