Nightshift Nurse

She's 18. Most 18-year-olds are fed by their parents and the school cafeteria staff

Most of the items you cite are only bad if you except the premise that they are bad. For example, is linearity bad? It depends who you ask and what the context is. For instance, I like FFX and Xenosaga.

Whether the topic is feminism, nerd stuff, sports, whatever. Bloggers in general just seem to be terrible people. And honestly, it’s the widespread adoption of the Gawker tone that led to this and what has come to be the Gen-X/Millennial writing style:

Something about this article rubs me the wrong way. The Handmaid’s Tale handled race with all the subtlety that it handled anything (which is to say, none), and it had absolutely no idea what show it wanted to be (misery porn? Revolution porn? Who knows?). But intersectionality goes both ways, doesn’t it? It feels

Let me be absolutely clear: I use the word ahistoric, here, because the complaints going on in the comment section have moved beyond the normal things we’ve criticized Kojima for in the past—too much film in his games, and often being unable to write female characters, for example—into this bizzaro world where people

Jsfc this comment section. Gamers will turn on anyone, for anything, the moment their vision of that person is challenged.

I get the feeling you’re talking entirely about Game Pass on the PC here, which is a whole thing but generally a dubious benefit to Xbox hardware sales IMO.

I’ll cop that perhaps my comment is orthogonal to the article itself, but I’ve just read through all of it again and haven’t found anything to contradict what I’ve written. The things Microsoft has done are good moves, stuff a gamer can appreciate as a valuable bonus to their rich game library. They’re not a

All due respect to Microsoft, but I don’t buy a game console to play ‘accessibility and value-related initiatives’, and in ten years it won’t be ‘accessibility and value-related initiatives’ that I’ll remember about this generation.

If only it didn’t have the xbox controller layout :\


Everyone deserves to keep their dignity, including the accused. I don’t necessarily agree that “cancel culture” killed him, but he was clearly already suffering, and the tsunami of hate and abuse from people not willing to wait to find out if the stories were true, probably did kill him.

I’m already seeing the comments, so let’s be clear about something here:

“Cancel Culture” did not kill Alec Holowka. We don’t yet have the full picture of how he died, but it sounds as if he died by suicide, and had been suffering from a host of psychological and personal difficulties prior to that final, tragic act.


Jesus Christ do you still not understand that the electoral college is a compromise for slave states and is completely undemocratic at it’s core?

Probably when they can sell clean air and water back to us at exorbitant prices know...we’ll die without both.

Why would there be any incentive for someone to show signs of empathy or regret instead of doubling down if they’re going to get raked over the coals by the outrage brigade either way? That’s basically the point she’s making - that this notion of righteousness uber alles and never forgiving anyone is ultimately

It’s amazing the amount of sexual frustration that these losers have for AOC.

“Internet hate mob abuse” == “snarky attitude”?

I is nothing on the smug asshole communications of gamer pricks on literally any forum. I mean, have you ever hung out with gamers? Are they fun or just generally awful?