
Curt’s idea of MAKE MERICA GREAT AGAIN involves denying the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

As opposed to indisputable truths he's been reposting up to this point?

Seek help.


Stupid ethics! Hindering letter writing efficiency!


He's got a point. If America weren't so soft someone would've shot this shit talking moron by now.

It’s impressive that a man of that age could engage in a Giant step down and not break a hip.

This is the context that Peter King tweet needed. It makes sense now.

is he aware that “rube” isn’t a synonym for “hack?”

There is a trail of feces and blood behind this post.

It’s so funny that Philadelphia fans get shit on for being negative sociopathic and get shit on for being positive rubes.

If he was literate he’d be Football’s Bukowski.

Nominating Rom for Poet Laureate of Deadspin.

Forcing change of possession > giving up ~1 point per possession.

“...we haven’t even been the worst team in the league in any of these three Hinkie years.”

Big Nick was eager, but not so bright. His brother, the fancy doctor, got all the brains in the family.

I don’t know about any of that shit, but I know FOR A FACT that a fancy dog is not a sandwich.

Metalocalypse not weird enough to even make the list?!?!? Brutal!

Holy shit.