
Who wants to watch a sport where everyone is a goddamn hero? Prissy villains make for good TV.

You're pretty tough for an internet commenter.



Impressive comeback, but can't help thinking people would be more impressed if he was white and playing hockey.

Duke fans don't have hearts. That's why they work so hard to make it look like they have the most heart.

That joke deserves the death penalty.

As a Cowboys fan you can also switch allegiances to whichever team is popular at the moment.

They used to have that sign at the border, but Nike forced them to ditch that too.

He quit weed but not weed-fashion.

"This is why you should stick to anonymous sources. Now, shut your yap and come sit on my lap."

You're swimming in deep waters, but you're drowning. It's apparent to everyone but you. Not sure why you can't feel the water filling your lungs. Save yourself. Get out of the water.

Every time TRich makes contact with another human, even a kiss, he falls over. It's a tragic condition.

Is everything you contribute trite and boring? Or just these post?

The fuzzy lines that divide pro wrestling from UFC got even more blurred tonight...

"Jones is a douche, but fining him a whole game check is drastic."

WWE security is impenetrable! Unless he rolled it up first. Then all bets are off.

Meanwhile, Vin Baker's field goal-less streak can't... [looks at self in mirror]... [sees the reflection of a feckless hack staring back]... [throws self in front of bus]... [survives]... [wins "fuck you money" settlement]... [lives happily ever after]

2 weeks ago...
Albert: Tony Parker looks old.
Marchman: "Spurs are old" is a dead horse.
Albert: Nah man, this is going to be poetry. This time is gonna be different!

Jerseys don't alter genes. Y'all are basically the same.