
I've said this for years, I'd love to do that to a Prius.

If the developer was smart, they'd call the bluff. "Oh, Gamestop won't carry the new Need for Speed unless they get an exclusive feature? Ok, EA games available at retailers not named Gamestop." They're are plenty of other places to get EA games, we'll see who can last longer in that situation.

How many people saw the word "Heist" and the GTAV image and clicked here, then got disappointed?

yeah, but it's not $36 million in Samsung stuff in one night. I think these guys had a better scam.

I quit probably around the time you started, I played vanilla through BC then kinda phased out during Lich King, and quit by Cata. Anyways, I was talking to a guy who has played since Cata, like you, and he did not understand 40-man raids. That was one of my favorite things in vanilla, 40-man Molten Core and BWL

because it hurts Xerox so bad to have their name become common slang for making a copy. That's why when you ask most people who makes copiers, Xerox is the one people know the most.

Wow, that's some ESPN level stuff. One person making a little comment gets misread and repeated with a random conclusion that is then picked up by everyone else including the original source for further misreadings.

The Kinja Simulator 2014!

Robotech's creator, the late Carl Macek predicted the eventual existence of crowdfunding all the way back in 1995

...and you're forgetting that one of his buddies that did the stabbing had clothes soaked in blood (Sweeting), the other had drops of blood (Oakley), and, like you said, Ray's clothes vanished. Surely they weren't drenched in blood like someone who just stabbed a guy many times. Ray was not holding anybody down or

So that's how all those neighbor's sister's third cousin's former roomates keep earning $8349.23 per month at home.

Let's run through the list

As someone who worked on F-16s and on the same base as A-10s, who the fuck in their right mind thought even a stripped down GAU-8 was going to work on a 16? To me, that's like talking about taking Cummins 6.7L turbo diesel and sticking it in a Miata because you want the towing power of the Cummins in a light nimble

1964 Chrysler New Yorker Nast Drag Car

I saw one that would have been perfect for this, if only someone had it on video. I was driving down a 4 lane road, in the right lane, when just in front of me, a guy pulled out of a parking lot onto the road. He did not have a safe distance, pulled out about 20 feet ahead of me while I was doing 45 (speed limit).


Helpful tip next time you go junking: If you find a part you want, but can't get it at the time, remove it like you're going to take it, then stash it in a different car (minivans are great for this as the have loads of room for big parts and not many minvan owners go junking). Then, if someone is looking at parts

So, I've never played Advanced Wars. I have played Civ 3, 4 and 5. In Civ, I tend to use cities as nothing but war factories to send hundreds of Mech Infantry and Modern Armors on a scorched earth type of conquest. Is that pretty much what this game is, just without all the city building and the whole advancing

I've done this. Here is the most effective way, lie. Call like normal and ask about the vehicle. Tell them that you go to *(insert semi-local college in their area) but just got home on a little vacation as you do not have class for a bit, hence your different area code. Tell them you've wanted a vehicle like