If you're the type that has $750k to blow on video games, you probably have enough spare time to play 1 game per day for the next 30 years
If you're the type that has $750k to blow on video games, you probably have enough spare time to play 1 game per day for the next 30 years
Aerial Ronell and Ranell Roy of the Rosenberg Police Department
I know this because I drive that road everyday. That is the idiot kid who was passing a cop on the median at 100+ MPH at around 7am on a school day 60 miles from where his school is after he dropped off his girlfriend in a parking lot near Huber Heights (or Hillbilly Heights as we call it). Winner? No. Calling him…
The thing I hate about this stunt is their title of "First kickflip in a car". No it's not, it's a fucking barrel roll and it has been done many times. A kickflip is an ollie (jump) then a 360 twist along the long axis. This stunt was a twisting jump, a barrel roll. That's like saying I'm going to do the first…
At least it's not Michael Bay...
Search the most popular music artist/group and the results include One Direction, Katy Perry, and Miley Cyrus. Not included are the likes of The Beatles, Michael Jackson, Led Zeppelin, Elvis Presley, or Johnny Cash.
For modern photos, especially if the were taken with a cellphone
Well, at least they are up front about it and not saying they have 1200 cars when 800 of those are from a game they released 9 years ago and most are just repeats and duplicates of the same car. CIVIC SiR-ll (EG) '91, '92, '93, and '95 are the same car, same stats, same color choices. The only differences between…
I'm not saying he's horrible. I couldn't do half as good as his worst day. I'm saying he's never going to join WRC and put pressure on someone like Loeb. As far as Gymkhana, he may take 20-30 takes to do that move where he drifts into a tirebox, does 7 donuts, and drifts out before he gets the one take where he…
Why does Tanner Foust's pictures always look like he's a kid wearing his Dad's hat?
Take Ken Block. His skills at RallyCross are a bit lacking, same with the other two. But, Ken made a lot of money with DC, Pastrana made a lot riding dirt bikes, and Bucky made a lot skating. Now that they have money, they can pay for their ride in RallyCross. It's because they want to. They don't have the skill…
What the hell is a "fully loaded" penis, anyway? Is that a boner euphemism common in some part of the United States to which I've never traveled? I mean, it must be. "Hey, baby, you turn me on so much. My erectile tissue is engorged and fully loaded with blood."
That is the most likely. They say they asked 100 people for "something fully loaded". Some dude probably said something along the lines of "my hard cock." They're not going to put that on the show, but some genius in their writing staff said "willing wiener" is safe and sounds funny while meaning pretty much the…
still, imo, dumb looking, even on that car. I like old Porsches, I don't like that Singer one, mainly because of the price.
The Youtube says Finland, but looks like a more southern area of Europe. @ the 0.25 mark a blue golf goes by with the sponsor "Cycles Daix", Daix is a small village in France. Rally takes place in the 80's, probably Tour de Corse in Corsica (as these smaller rallies tend to attract more local, someone with a sponsor…
It's not the wheel being flush that gets me. It's the ones that put a 205 tire on a 9" wheel.
wow, it is way outside it's habitat, all four wheels are on the ground
I think I know the answer...
You're missing a big piece of the story. He has a HD Trike, that he put a million miles on with the flags on it. He then bought a 2014 Road King and attached the same flags to it, in less than 15,000 miles, that bike broke. The trike has more than double the hauling capacity as the Road King. This is like saying…