
This is an incredibly fascinating, well-researched, well-written article, and I enjoyed every minute of the read. Thank you for writing it.

Bookmarked for later, this looks to be highly interesting.

It must be terrible for black parents to have to tell their children "Even if you're unarmed, even if you're well-behaved, even if you do everything right, there is still a chance that a white police officer will murder you in the street with your hands up."

The craziest thing to me in the aftermath of these killings is how accepting most people are of the militarization of the police. I fully expect that when video footage is found (dashcam or otherwise), Mike Brown will have done nothing that could warrant a reaction with fatal force, but people will still look and

My (almost 60-year old) mother's always loved dancing...and she's great at it. One day she was dancing and out of nowhere she just stopped and made her ass clap. I was horrified and impressed. When did she learn? Who taught her? Does she have a secret stripper past? Why can she do it but I can't? So many disturbing

I was worried the comment might come off that way. What I meant to convey was...when a young woman is dancing flamboyantly, people say she's an attention whore and trying to boost her ego with male affection. When older women dance people say sit down, granny (but people don't think she's attempting to be sensual).

Hell, if I can pull off moves like that without throwing a hip at that age, I'll do it too. Because if you somehow still got it, you deserve to flaunt it.

If you're not twerking on a car in your golden years, what are you doing?

As much as everyone wants justice I'm afraid the only result is going to be war. I really hope Putin actually cooperates so we can avoid anymore bloodshed. Can he not just lie and say the group acted under rogue authority and without permission to attack any civilian vehicle/aircraft? Can't everyone just swallow their

I rarely do this, but read the fucking article.

Good thing that they thinned out her wrists.

I wonder who the egg donor was, and whether SHE has any rights in this situation. It's sad all around.

I defended Sherri Shepard when the ugly details of her divorce first came out, but when it came out that she was going to give up her CHILD to get back at her ex-husband, and after reading THIS?! FUCK her.

"Uterus that we picked" is about where I uttered my first "What the fuck?". It was not my last.

I'm confused as to why this matters.

I think on the lines of privacy, people would prefer not to disclose their personal life tot he outside world.
I also think that information can be gathered to find out what times you are not in your house, exposing yourself to burglary

Best response would would be to collect DNA samples from every pair of underwear they get and put them in a database. Don't even have to really do it, just say they did and then keep saying database.

And now, instead of putting them in the garbage, I will send ALIPAC all of my panty liners!

I like to think I'm fairly forgiving about text communication but there is seriously nothing that kills my desire to sleep with someone faster than receiving "?????" or "Hello???" if I don't respond to a text quickly enough.