
iOS is obviously better than Android from a usability standpoint.

I'm currently learning Java and in high school (10th grade), and I can say that while coding takes time and it's really a lot of trial and error, there's a beauty to it that's just irrefutable.
Not only that, coding has helped my analytical thinking and planning a lot. Making a blueprint before writing any sort of code

You are supposed to cut cake into pieces? I thought they were single servings. Now I feel bad sitting on the couch with a whole cake and a fork.

♫ ♫ Celino and Barrrrnesss the injury attorneyssss, call 854-2020 ♫ ♫

1000% the same thing I just thought when I finished reading it. I used to love them, then I started focusing more on what cell phone, laptop, and gadget other than a cell or laptop. Then I stopped reading altogether unless the company name or person interested me. Then I just stopped reading them. Until today. Bill,

LOVED Bill Nye growing up. Still do. He was a huge influence on me!

You're welcome!

"I'm sorry for men not taking a greater stand in this area," Idleman adds.

Museum passes
Local public library
Get a local public library card and check out the pass

Yep. This is pretty much it. Which is ironic given how often we all have to change our passwords because something we trusted got hacked. This shouldn't even be a surprise anymore.

I used to work in corporate IT and still have a lot of friends in Corporate IT security.

Absolutely. That guy came up with a genius idea, seemingly out of the blue.

Haha, well maybe file size was an issue...

I LOVE my wrap-around earmuffs. Hats always make my head sweat, and thus make my head itch, which is annoying as hell. Unless it's really, really cold, I find that the earmuffs keep my sticky-outy ears warm without the adverse effects of a hat.

This makes me wonder what other tasks I could automate. I work in IT at a small company and our processes are admittedly pretty janky. In lieu of proper network policy, I've saved a bunch of preventative maintenance batch files on the server which client machines fire on a schedule in the evenings using Task

This Syracuse girl APPROVES. My boyfriend has been (justly) accusing me of trying to steal all of his body heat.

When I lived in upstate New York, my hot water bottle was my best friend. You can buy them at any drug store, fill them up with hot water from your sink (as hot as you can get it), and put it in your bed, and you are in business. And, unlike your boyfriend, your hot water bottle won't complain when you put your cold

It's less than a dollar. How cheap can you get?