
I see your perspective, but the man is kicking off Blizzcon by talking about an event that clearly encompasses a wave of harassment that was pronounced enough to get covered in mainstream news outlets and described by most, in shorthand, as "Gamergate." I recognize that some people have said that Gamergate is

And I'm here, waiting for an HD remake on WiiU...

Wishin' I me an my recent ex didn't part ways. See had a roommate with a Wii U. He, my ex, AND her sister was up for playing this and SMB all the time.

Did I see rupees instead of coins? Awesome.

That's awesome.
But that F-zero track while awesome, breaks my heart.

An actual F-Zero game will probably sell me on a WiiU... Come one Nintendo, what the hell are you waiting for?!

To be fair, if you compare it to actual mayan artwork, it is easily 2,000 years ahead of its time.

You and me both

Some very surprising shows there, especially surprised at how new a lot of them are. Just goes to show that there is an increasing fandom for anime.

"Excuse me! Do you know where I can find some sailors around here?"


I think it's a hard spot for Nintendo to be in, due to the nature of his apparent suicide. It would be a simple thing to name an NPC "Robin", but at this very moment there's an aspect of the situation that strongly goes against Nintendo's family-friendly values. That's just my take, mind you.

Mango has been egregiously under ranked

Raspberry is a mediocre-ass fruit. Not even the best of the berries.

Uhh, how is mango 16th? I'd stomp a litter of kittens to death to have a mango tree in my back yard.

This tells me there are an awful lot of people who have crappy eardrums.

This tells me there are an awful lot of people who have crappy eardrums.

Since I'm assuming we're not gonna be able to nominate cans that require more powering than a normal consumer would have, (i.e. an AMP), I'd nominate the Sennheiser HD 598, which are the best Sennheiser cans that don't need extra power. They sound very similar to the HD 558, but have a little more refined sound and

Since I'm assuming we're not gonna be able to nominate cans that require more powering than a normal consumer would

Well this one got complicated because "anything by Grado" is not a valid nomination. We voted to fall back on the Grados nominated on Lifehacker, and those are discontinued, and their successor is unavailable at most retailers. You can find them here.

Well this one got complicated because "anything by Grado" is not a valid nomination. We voted to fall back on the

The idea of Tom Cruise playing Marathon is inexplicably awesome.

Still bummed that Edge of Tomorrow didn't do well, fantastic movie. The marketing really should have shown off more of its humor.

I get it! New Transformers toys to some old people are like black people sitting anywhere they like on the bus.