
Seems pretty rich to accuse somebody of crafting a “narrative” on that basis.

Is there any reason why you seemed to willfully disregard the artist’s actual point, mentioned in the gist you linked to?

This is for anyone that is angrier about not being able to play a video game for 2 hours than they are about what is and has been going on in this country. That’s 2 hours they could use to stop and reflect and ask themselves that very question. 

I mean...even if you wanna call it satire, that’s just utterly devoid of humor. I don’t think it’s really something she should have been suspended over, though.

Preach! I forgot about that but now I remember.

Sure it’s a dumb ad but sorry, given the state of the world right now I can’t bring myself to muster up any outrage over something so minor and inconsequential.

I think ascribing this to some sort of dislike for Conan O’Brien is overthinking it a bit.

That’s totally fair. If a writer wants to criticize a game for not featuring gender representation, that’s totally fine. That’s valuable journalism, and it helps you make the informed choice I discussed in my original post.

I wasn't crying, only responding to the idiot who posted he wants covington to "get his ass beat again" after clearly not watching the fight. Covington was winning the fight going into the 5th. He lost, fair and square, but it was a great fight. Do you need jelp understanding anything else, idiot?

Technically Covington's jaw was broken in the third and he went two more rounds. I don't like the guy but you got to admit that's one tough son of bitch

Whatever you might think about Convington - and I don’t think a lot of him, whether it’s a persona he puts on for PR purposes or not - I would have enjoyed this article much more if it had at least included the fact that Convington fought almost two full rounds with that broken jaw. That punch happened at the end of

He won the majority of this fight, stupid fuck. You could easily give at least 3 of the first 4 rounds to covington. But you wouldn’t know because you’re a dumb bitch.

Found the fatty.

It’s all good. Nobody has to do anything they don’t want to. Seems like everyone had their own reasons. But relax guys competition isn’t life or death, take the hype and pressure rhetoric down a notch.

Read a book, Donkey.

No need to beat anyone up over this. We’re all family here.

Sadly the likelier situation is that none of this even happened, so we’re reading some loser’s loser fantasy.

I know they’re worried about legal ramifications, but at some point I think Valve just needs to come out and say:

please see the high-up embedded link re: “the unreviewable video game” for the detailed answer to that question :-D

Well, they were getting sued for ripping off the concept for the game by a company who they were working with, sooooo...