
All very true, but after being numbed to brain dead levels by XII and XIII, you have to admit that XV was at least... better. Like, you could see XV being good if it was given to competent people with an actual work ethic.

But how dry is Super “Dry”? Why are there quotations around it?

I have never once paid attention to firmware numbers.  It seems like a weird thing to focus on.  If there are major updates to the system, we’ll hear about them eventually either way.

Evidently, Norm Macdonald thinks we’d all be better off if we went back to the days when everyone assumed women were lying about abuse or harassment and all famous people were given an infinite supply of second chances whenever they fuck up.

I made this...I don’t know where I thought this was going, but I wanted to share...

she chose not to participate.  that means she didnt find it important enough to back up her accusations in a formal investigation from Chris’ employer. kinda diminishes her stance and makes her original statement suspect.

The problem with this service is its a crap-shoot.

Fuck that. If anybody chased down a bunch of underemployed young people for a few percentage points on a tip to DEMAND they increase it, they are the real pieces of shit in this scenario.

I can’t believe this site exists. Or that the people described exist in such numbers to make it viable.

I mean it’s certainly counter to the point of a scary movie, but it almost seems to be against the point of art itself.

I’m perfectly willing to accept that I might be missing something here. But on first pass this

There’s so many layers that the lawsuit would hardly pass.

That’s okay. I’ll try to enjoy it for both of us. :)

Maybe, maybe not. The publications will have to “prove” that their articles weren’t false. Maybe they were just that.

If your one and only benchmark for success is how many people are aware of you, then you have a very strange benchmark for success. It’s just fame and fame is fame? I guess Jeffrey Dahmer is more successful than all of us. The criticism of Billy Mitchell comes from his desperate need to live off of his past

And the indignant attitude at contemporary culture being served in an “over-hyped package stamped with the same dumb looking face” is pretty rich coming from AV Club and the Gawker Media Emipre™.

“You had trouble with Holm’s fighting style, was it alien to you?”
“Was it alien? What am I some kind of martian from another planet? Is that what you’re saying?”
“No, I just-”
“Like I’m some kinda space man who just comes down with the flashing lights and the (does Tones from Close Encounters of the Third Kind) and the

It doesn’t look like anything to me.

There is an Audible ad on this page that I wish I could eject, because it is fucking my phone up


Either way, it strikes me as an unimportant error to bring up in a comments section like this.

Yeah, not the point. You want to shit on her for what she is doing right now working for her asshole dad, have at it. But It’s laughable that Katie is giving someone shit for their age 14 teenage years. And from reading her mom’s book, of all things.