
Because some players really like being able to customize what they look like. I really hope once they start nickle and diming the parts of games you enjoy, you’ll see how idiotic and damaging the whole system is.

It’s a time or cost thing. You don’t get to work on movies of this size by being lazy.

You haven’t actually watched the show at all have you? As these comments are dead giveaway.

I was never one to take fighting games so seriously that I wanted to learn to do infinites. Its just too cheap and while I know it takes skill to put it off it kills the fun factor for me. That being said I refuse to buy this game. Blame Capcom’s track record for releasing SUPER and ULTIMATE versions with this and

that’s untrue... not all black women have buts.

She was unstable, carrying sharp items and had young children with her - deescalating the situation by leaving just puts the kids at risk.

Man, do you ever sound like a dripping douche nozzle.

It would be 3 generations, the xbonex shouldn’t be considered a different one from the regular xbone.

Everyone wants to be there for the most important fights in history, so they proclaim this to be the end of an era.

Completely disagree. I hate to be the person that says “you’re playing it wrong”, but when you’re playing a cooperative multiplayer game and you try and lone wolf it...

The counselors are supposed to cooperate, their are even radios to help with this. Running into Jason is not an instadeath, their are multitudes of

I did enjoy it overall, I have to concede. I enjoyed the suspense and the story.

I’m a 33 year old man that went through a bad breakup, got into Art/Running/Hiking and been looking into clay classes and I called it my midlife crisis. Him being 53 and it being called that just showed the life expectancy of blacks versus white men :(


Or maybe the assholes are the people demanding a free ROM of the game he spent time and money tracking down. 

His game, his decision. He doesn’t owe “preservationists” anything.

Donnie Yen is the name you’re looking for, Luke :)

Not all clickbait is satire, try to keep up.

You mean he couldn’t even identify Gowron as the leader of the Klingon High Council? 

Are there...hands in that box?

Yeah i mean, it’s impressive that it’s POSSIBLE to do something like this in a SNES platform game, but really why? Like, ok, you made the hardest thing possible in this video game maker. Good job? Especially when a lot of these super hardcore players use tools that let them guide a computer to playing through the