
No, this is.

Anyone can have an article on Kinja.

That’d be cool, too, but part of the joy of the Nemesis system, for me, was seeing how the enemies grew into themselves. It wouldn’t be as cool if Two-Face were to simply remember your last encounter, as that can easily be scripted. But to have a random villain become a fire obsessed burn victim that only became that


I’m sorry, but this a terrible way to try and gleam information. After the the third statement, Kirks, I completely lost interest in the “conversation” and what you guys were trying to get at. I come to read written articles not the transcript of a voice recorder. Might as well have just posted the recording itself.

Spent alot of time on this one. Hope you like it.

I put a huge watermark this time because I’m sick of people ripping and taking credit for my videos.

I know it may be silly to complain about the word “Lifehack” on Lifehacker, but when filling a kiddie pool with ice to cool your dog constitutes use of the word...

Maybe all the real versions are in Russia and the doppelgängers are the ones in Hollywood that we watch on the screen?

I used to love F1 cars as a kid. Sadly the closest I’ve ever been to one is this:

It’s about fucking time the Swiss take the blame for something.

This is dumb, buy whichever vodka you like. We buy the cheaper one because it is not just cheaper it much much cheaper and we mix it and it is fine. Also your caps lock is on.

No but I lactate!

I wish I was unemployed again and didn’t have a family. Oh wait no I don’t.

Not only are the macros / tools very powerful, but the other thing to keep in mind is comfort level. The gaming stuff is built to be used for long periods of time, while remaining comfortable. As soon as I got hired in, I put in a request to get an upgraded mouse (the standard one was a Toshiba “Travel” mouse that was

Not necessarily. People are still finding easter eggs about Chilliad. I personally think you get six stars when you steal the jetpack out of the bunker.

What are you talking about?