You think that’s bad....
If this game manages to put all the pieces together in the right way, I will play the everliving shit out of it.
Do they really need a teaser for a game that is a cash cow for Activision? It’s almost a joke at this point. Throwing in a teaser for a COD sequel, is like leaving notes to remind yourself to breath later on.
"Ah yes, the Hammock Complex on 3rd!"
Please be a hammock...please be a hammock...
Imagine somebody took a small sheep, sheared it, then stuck their hand down it's throat, grabbed the base of its stomach, and pulled until it turned inside out. They then stuffed it with grains and the kind of root vegetable you would push to the side of your plate as child, tied it off, and boiled it. That's haggis.
When did this happen? when I was young it was always: "Damn, I wish girls played video games" Now that this strange concept is getting a modicum of media attention, there's literally a fucking war on women...WHAT THE FUCK GUYS, YOU'RE FUCKING IT UP!
Honestly though, I'm confused. What should I believe to not be a misogynist? Should women show cleavage and be objectified by men? Or should they show cleavage because they are free to do whatever they want with their bodies? It is misogyny when a woman uses her body in a sexual manner to attract viewers? Is it bad…
I wish they added more distracting pink/rainbow/cloud graphics with the commentators little faces in a bubble over the video :P
Well, I'm sorry, but you're paying those people. If they give you shitty service, what are you actually paying them for?
Maybe the driver still thinks that they got it home without a scratch on it.
Clear all the shit out of your garage and park your car in it. It will be warmer in the morning and you don't have to clear off the snow
You. Are why they hate us.
But doesn't mac support windows?
Dear Gabe,