
That's not entirely true. The DT466 may be bigger than the ISB, but the ratings are pretty much identical. It is the larger displacement version of the DT466 engine (9.3l) called the Maxxforce 9 & 10 that competes with the ISL.

La Coupole in France is a pretty interesting site (V2 factory and launch base from WW2)

I misunderstood the question. My answers were VW Vanagon and '87 Corolla wagon, and let me tell you I've known a lot of burnouts over the years.

Yeah, crime immediately stops when snow hits the ground. Thanks for pointing that out.

Backstory: LeDuff, an author we've featured a few times here on Jalopnik, was working for the local Fox affiliate. He was promoted to host a syndicated show that airs on Fox News and other Fox affiliates nationwide. So technically, he's "Fox News" but he's not Fox News, if you get what I'm saying.

80 grand for something that I assume was acquired with Marlboro Miles? Original owner must need a new lung or two... CP

Downtown Detroit is not scary

The Henry ford Museum, Planes, Trains and Automobiles, plus industrial equipment and a HOUSE!

I've not been to many, but the Auburn-Cord-Duesenberg museum in Auburn, Indiana, is truly incredible. I'll always remember it, from the amazing unique concepts by Gordon Buehrig, to the 1930s style showroom full of Auburns, Cords, and Duesenbergs, to the 300SL, Cisitalia, E-Type, and other notable classics, to the

yes, but they only are interested in being the party of "low-paying jobs with no security and easily replaced workers so it is easier to control the proletariat." I've never been so glad to no longer be living in Tennessee.

So wait...I thought the Republican party was going to become the "party of jobs"? But only if those jobs mean the employees won't vote Democrat right? So Tenn politicians will halt job growth for their own constituency because people in their own state voted to to join the UAW? Way to serve your people. BTW

Tennessee Republicans - ignoring facts and sticking to the GOP script. When VW's own top guy in TN says the works council is the key to success and productivity, why do the state Republicans think they know better?

This has great potential as an interesting project. A project that would require outrageous amounts of effort, time and cash. The problem: After all of that, the result strikes me as being exceedingly rare without being particularly desirable.

You've got it backwards. That Maserati ad was awful. I spent most of it wondering what the hell they were advertising and being so melodramatic about. Then I saw it and I was like who cares. All that for a freaking car? Get lost.

Volvo 240 hands down.......not even a contest.

Three. Say what you want about the Rams, but it is a professional franchise.

Fun fact: Joe Buck was born in 1969, the same year that "Midnight Cowboy" was released. "Midnight Cowboy" was the story of a male prostitute who moved to New York to make it rich. That male prostitute's name? Joe Buck. Coincidence? PROBABLY.

His bullshit freakout on the Randy Moss fake moon cost him all credibility in my eyes. "That is a disgusting act". Joe Buck should go clone himself. So he can go fuck himself.

The next Forza car pack should be the "craigslist specials" car pack and have things like a decrepit 3000gt where one of the dual tips was replaced with a single and it has mismatched rims. And a C5 vette with some bolt-ons and a loud noise but a too-hard suspension and ruined seats so your camera shifts around a lot.