
I was waiting for a post about this as soon as I saw it posted. However, #notshade.

The "bluest of blue" states also voted in Prop 8...only a few years ago, no less.

This is so right. I always wish daters consulted kids of divorce rather than daters of a divorced person to gauge when to engage the children.

shade court is def my new fave item. Hands down. #defnotshade


I'm gonna go ahead and need that 1:19 back for my life, please.

Poor Ingrid. RIP your mom, if solace was only that easy.

Believe our watch party waited with baited breath for her to say that line....then cheered!!

Bette, I feeeel you!

Every trip back home to Michigan from San Diego culminates in a visit to Applebee's with my mother, because "they have the best margaritas on the planet." Ah, the simplicity of the Midwest. Ok, mom.

so true! I loved the marble bathroom chair (insert correct bougie name here)!!!

I watched her knock those over like 5 times. HIlarious!!

did you make this?! Legit LOL

That was very hard to watch and am glad I'm an old.

You know which movie I thought did an awesome job repping multi-faceted lesbians?? I'll tell you, it was the Under the Tuscan Sun and Sandra Oh played an amazing gay chick that had many other things going on besides just "being gay." While the ending where she was left pregnant by her ex-loverrr was sad, it came off

She makes vlogs/videos empowering little girls to have self-respect and to let them know that their insecurities are things we all have! I'm sure she felt obligated on some level when it was twisted to say she was unsupportive of women vis a vis Katie Couric. Respect UNLOST!!!

fun :)

I have also had this before, it could also be a hernia. Especially if it does not go away once your contacts are out. Sounds odd, but there are 2 types, yes, in your eyeball. Goes away by a simple visit to an optometrist followed with some prescription eye-drops. Had it over Christmas, unfun.