The Palmtop Tiger

It’s not much of a stretch; we already know they go after fan games. If anything, ROM hacks are more egregious as they potentially motivate piracy.

That depends on what you define “lately” as. Does a decade-long slide in writing quality count as lately? I don’t think I’ve heard anyone talk positively about Penny Arcade (the comic strip,) or its authors since the Dickwolves incident in 2010.

Medical terminology for people with disabilities always gets co-opted by people. “Idiot” was once a medical term for mental retardation, then it became commonly used as a pejorative and the medical terminology was changed.

Same reason people liked having color-coordinated wires before LED lighting became common:

Same reason people liked having color-coordinated wires before LED lighting became common:

I think it’s the heavy makeup, sheen of the woman’s hair, and the way that the lighting reflects off of their faces which gives it that weird look. They appear kind of plastic-like in the header image, but I don’t think the other two photos suffer from the same shortcoming.

Sure, I have a question. Why are you so full of shit?

Your comments are greyed out because you’re a new user so they’re put behind a filter in case you’re a troll. Either staff have to flag you or your post needs to be recommended or commented on by a trusted user. I’m not sure if it works this way, but in the past your account would be permanently whitelisted if you

Duke Nukem 3D has not aged well whichever way you look at it

Blizzard still holds value at the company. WoW is still massively successful and Overwatch is also doing pretty well. Blizzard continues to be a cash cow for Activision, whereas, the studios you named made some classic games, but really weren’t pushing numbers.

tbh, it’s a bit disappointing that it’s a western-style room. If you’re staying in a fucking Japanese castle you’d expect a Japanese-style room.

The depravity with which LGBT characters are often depicted in media is so tired. Every time I see a ridiculously flamboyant villain I can’t help but roll my eyes. Even if it isn’t the writer/director’s intent (though, to be honest, in many cases I think it is,) seeing these tropes repeatedly where the villain’s main

I haven’t been to the Life in Aggro website recently. Is there a reason that Bear is no longer featured in the navbar? She (the character) is still in the comics; is she no longer a contributor?

I’m really torn on the Genesis/Mega Drive mini. On the one hand, the collector in me is screaming to buy it. On the other, I have these games in so many different forms that I know 100% that it’ll just be a shelf piece.

What a shitty policy - not only for the people who worked on the game, but also for anyone interested in video game history. I hope XSEED has an internal list of employees (present and former) who worked on each game because they need to add them back into the credits ASAP.

implying Minecraft’s multiplayer isn’t survival of the fittest and backstabbing new players.

No more than you needed to watch the original Yokai Watch show, film, or manga to understand the first 3 games. YW games always do a good job of recapping important events.

“We are all female. But if any man, if any male person can call himself a woman or legally identify as female, then predatory men will do so in order to gain access to women’s single-sex spaces, and this puts every woman and girl at risk.”

You know what’d be nice? Another Dragon Ball Origins game, or really any game that follows the adventures of Kid Goku and co.. I miss those adventures.

Add Jared to the pile, I guess. What is it about video games and internet fame that seem to attract the worst people?

There’s a lot of games in the genre - Terraria and Starbound, as the other person said, are two of the more obvious ones, but there are others: Cube Life, Rising World, 7 Days to Die, Roblox, Ark, Rust, Portal Knights, StarForge, Reign of Kings, etc.