The Palmtop Tiger

Sen’s Fortress looks menacing even as a floating purple mass.

Cornelius is fantastic and Fantasma is a stroke of genius; he’s one of the artists that got me into Shibuya-Kei, and I’ve been circling the genre for a few years now. If you like Cornelius, check out his previous work as Flipper’s Guitar, which is also very good.

X-men Origin isn’t an X-men film. The Lego Batman Movie isn’t a Batman Movie. My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is not a My Little Pony movie.

I didn’t say it was. Ryan said that Titanfall shouldn’t be in the title because it isn’t a Titanfall game. I’m saying it is a Titanfall game, so it would be completely justified for the game to be called Titanfall: Apex Legends or something to that effect.

Hopefully those negative reviews are expunged and some of the accidental customers actually play and keep the game. Apex Construct is a solid VR game. I played a bit of it when I started my Viveport trial.

It’s a spin-off game; the developers have openly stated that this started as Titanfall 3 and it takes place in the same universe as the flagship games. Whether it has “Titanfall” in the title or not, it’s a Titanfall game.

It’s not surprising that they’ve delayed coverage of such things. They’ve gotten blamed for pretty much any fan game that gets stomped after their (and other outlets’) coverage.

Didn’t he have hair in one of the movies?

As long as you’re not going as Hentai Kamen or a similarly scantily clad character, (which, let’s be real, would be uncomfortable to see regardless of the cosplayer’s body type,) I think dressing as whatever you’d like is fine.

The fit on your nose shouldn’t be allowing a bunch of air out into your eyes.

All face masks can provide some protection since they block particles. That having been said, the fashionable ones that are used for cosplay or even daily wear aren’t the ones you want to get if you’re serious about not catching other people’s illnesses or spreading your own.

Unless you’re collecting games for the sake of having them, which is pretty fun in and of itself, I wouldn’t bother buying physical Vita games. Instead, spend a modest amount of money on an SD card and a 3rd party adapter, (it goes in the game cart slot,) and mod your Vita. The convenience of having all of your games

For what it’s worth, the Vita is backwards compatible with digital PSP games to include PS1 classics. As a later-coming Vita owner who has no qualms about softmodding their consoles, the past few years have been pretty great.

That’s the gameplay loop, not the plot. The plot for most games, except I guess the Souls series, where resurrection is an actual part of the story, is “the hero makes it to the end without dying.” There’s no asterisk next to that statement - from both the NPCs’ and the PC’s perspectives they main character never

Doing a “stuck in a time loop” VR game is a great idea, but I’m not sure Groundhog Day needed a sequel. I’m not sure why they didn’t just start a new IP with that premise; I doubt Sony owns the rights to that type of story.

Same reason Minecraft ended up getting hate. It was this cool new game for a bit, then kids discovered it and it became predominantly played by them. Now the game is largely associated with either children, or people who are really dedicated to the game and do stuff like this article. I’ve worked in grade schools -

The headless mannequin men is perplexing. I guess the idea is that YOU’RE the one having sex with the characters, but regular porn, with the exception of PoV, frequently shows the men’s faces and even prominently features their bodies and has the occasional grunt or two. It’s also not like Overwatch isn’t full of male

That sounds like nonsense. If noodles and chocolate caused people to get sick then so would chocolate chip cookies; they have the same base ingredients: flour, water, and maybe eggs depending on the noodles.

AFAIK, there aren’t any loose threads. I’m not sure where Rebecca and co. can take the story in the next season or film, but I’m excited to find out.

I think the way it would work is obvious. You can see what the first box of the day contains, but you can’t see the second. So the gambling addicts who are currently blowing tons of money will see this and go, “sure, this one doesn’t have anything good, but maybe the next one does. I’ll buy it and hopefully box 2 will