The Palmtop Tiger

I read her book on a whim last year, and while there are some things which I find interesting, like her clothes folding method and the order which she tackles tidying, I found a lot of the book to be gobbledygook. My issue with her work isn’t the animism; I actually found that quite endearing, and I like the concept

The fire/ice on the Todoroki cosplay looks cool. Using cellophane is pretty neat.

Explaining VR to someone who hasn’t experienced it is pretty difficult. The best way I can think of might be this:

Poor Nana can’t catch a break in this video.

The obvious choices are any first party Nintendo titles. Beyond that, if you want a monster trainer then get World of Final Fantasy. Pic-a-Pix is a decent puzzle game; it’s Picross without the pizazz. Celeste is one of the best platformers in recent years. Hollow Knight and Cave Story are both cool Metroidvania. Dead

You list the aesthetic as a positive, but I can’t stand it. I dislike “gamer” aesthetic in general. An RGB logo is cool; RGB lighting on every surface of your tower is garish; RGB lighting on every peripheral in addition to mood lighting is ludicrous. The same is true of weird angular designs; they’re nice for a

IIRC, it is, but since I mostly play on an ultra wide monitor I’m used to having those black bars on the sides regardless of what game I play.

Yeah, I’m still playing through WoL, and it’s just not that good. I played a substantial amount of the spirit board and I’ve noticed that a lot of the WoL fights are just easier versions of the spirit board fights. IDK, I’m just not feeling it.

The original Turret doesn’t have mechanical switches or RGB lighting, in case you guys were wondering why this costs $100 more.

I can just imagine revealing this article at the staff meeting.

I’m shocked by this development. Shocked, I say!

Looks like my uni offers the service. There’s a lot of artsy stuff there. Not stuff I’d normally watch, but there’s a good selection of award nominees.

I was kind of hoping the port would suck so I wouldn’t be tempted to buy it again. I’m actually already in the middle of replaying the original on PS3. This would be the third time I purchase it.

This is actually interesting. I was ready to say that he didn’t have a chance of winning the case because entire dance choreographies, not individual dance moves, are what are copyright protected. The fact that they’re going after Epic for racially motivated IP theft rather than straight up, regular old theft is

I seriously doubt that this will impact Steam and lead to a bunch of exclusives. More than likely, publishers will put their games on BOTH store fronts to hedge their bets, if they decide to publish on Epic’s platform at all.

I’ll check it out, thanks for the advice.

God, yes. I’ve been using my 3DS to play Yokai Watch 2 (in preparation for 3 coming out soon) and I’m always shocked that it’s out of juice after like a day on standby. The Vita has spoiled me with its weeks-long standby battery.

500 atoms, are they for real? That’s 5 USD. What terrible compensation. Keep in mind that people paid $140 more than the normal edition for this product and were victim to a bait and switch.

Only with Bethesda does shipping a bad product come with the defence of “well they always ship substandard products so you can’t complain...”

I’ve had it for a while, but my DS/3DS backlog is so massive that I haven’t gotten around to it.