The Palmtop Tiger

Well they probably figured that it was working well for Skylanders so it would work even better for Disney since there was a built in fanbase for the characters.

The difference between the eShop and Steam, however, is that Steam gives you a lot of tools to separate the chaff.

Is browsing not a traditional method of game discovery? I remember going to the store and diving into the bargain bin or rummaging through the second-hand titles all the time.

“I rate this game garlic head out of ten.”

Nice. I’ve been playing Pic-a-Pix Deluxe, and while it has a ton of puzzles, I think it’s an all-around uglier game than Picross. Picross just has a certain charm to it both in its UI and the patterns of its puzzles.

A server I’m a part of has a NSFW room for gravure models. It’s mostly photos and a comment every ten comments asking for more from X or Y model. I don’t use it, but it’s significantly less cringe than the comments section of any porno site I’ve ever seen. At the very least, I’ve yet to see graphic details on what

I doubt there’s going to be any serious consequence for him. Japan is generally conservative when it comes to LGBT communities, where the range goes from anti to apathetic, with some outliers who support LGBT rights. Due to this and the fact that Dragon Quest is still considered niche outside Japan, I don’t think that

The ROM hack support they added a while ago is cool too.

Sure, but free does not need to, nor should it mean low quality.

This seems kind of, I don’t know, cheap? A carpet, some ottomans, a ball pit, 100 yen paper ornaments, and a series of cardboard cutouts. Meh.

That’s not a thing that happens. While we’re on the subject of the potential negative effects of antiperspirant, they don’t cause breast cancer or kidney failure either.


Tips on how to not smell at a con or in general:

There is a trend in recent race politics where non-White people think that White people, whether intentional or not, believe people of color are inferior in some way. Looking at this scene through that lens it appears that the writers of Back to the Future thought “Legendary rock star Chuck Berry couldn’t possibly be

Very interesting; I appreciate the followup.

I guess that settles the matter. I’m going to take your word for it, as I’m too lazy to look it up right now.

In any case, however, it is still a derivative work. This isn’t any more acceptable than, say, if I wrote an adaptation of The Lord of the Rings without a license. If I were to release it for free online the Tolkien estate likely wouldn’t bat an eye, but if I were to try to sell it then you can bet that they’d be on

Yeah, that’s probably better tbh

It can be argued that the emotes are transformative enough to not be a copyright violation, I guess, but a lot of them are just straight rips on the IRL versions. It’s like saying that holding a camcorder at a concert and selling copies of the tape isn’t an infringement of the artist’s rights to their work. I mean,

While I can see how Marty teaching Berry his hit song can be seen as racially motivated, I don’t really think it is. This is a combination of two very common tropes in time travel and time piece media - namely, shaping history, and name dropping.