The Palmtop Tiger

I’m actually close enough to go, but damn it, on a Thursday morning? I know the stereotype is that we’re all unemployed basement dwellers, but come on, how do they expect anyone to be there?

There are two types of people I hate: people intolerant of other peoples’ cultures, and the Dutch.

Don’t bother, I guess. Most of the time you’re in such a poor position that you couldn’t possibly abide by the meta if you wanted to.

I love this song. After watching Roommate the song and a poor version of the dance has been burned into my soul.

It’s really hard to say. SNES, PS1, and PS2 probably have the most heavy hitters.

Looks like I misread it. The DVDs were at the office. Not the girls in the DVD.

Investigators had discovered several DVDs that showed nude under-15-year-old girls at Watsuki’s Tokyo office.

Like if you’re playing a solos match and a squad of guys rolls up on you. With the new replay feature it would be pretty damn easy to get footage of this and report it.

If it doesn’t do any damage then what purpose does it have? Is it even a rocket? You might as well reimagine it as a UAV at that point.

We caught my dog, she dropped the bird pretty readily. When we tried releasing it the bird just sort of sat there; it was pretty inactive. We asked our neighbor who had a pigeon coup about it and he said there wasn’t anything to be done. The bird died a few hours later. It’s probably the only reason my dog was able to

My dog actually ended up catching a pigeon after like 10 years of trying daily. She didn’t eat it, she just held it in her mouth and ran away from us as we tried to get it.

Oh, just AtGames; playing on their hardware is worse than even the worst MadCatz. The wait continues.

I’m still waiting on YW3 or one of the Buster games.

“This is a five month passion project for the studio as we’re creating and publishing the game entirely by ourselves,”

Maybe? The bottom line is that if I’m not having fun I’m going to stop playing it. At the same time, the more I pay for a game which I stop playing the angrier I am at myself (or the game) for wasting my money. I won’t continue playing it either way though; at that point it’s just wasting my money AND my time.

Binding of Isaac is a great game, but kind of iffy for this list. By late-game certain item combinations, especially if you have mods, can cause the game to really chug even on half decent hardware.

Maybe they lowered the graphics settings.

If you want to get good with a character play a few hours of free for all deathmatch with them and try hard. It gives you a low-stress place to engage characters that counter your picks and learn how best to deal with them.

You say that the physical copies only save a minimal amount of storage space - how minimal? Because I’m no sucker, I’m not buying a second copy of a game I already own, so I don’t have any point of comparison.

That’s good to keep in mind, but good DMs typically don’t railroad players for the sake of the story. If a character could feasibly do something and the player has a desire to do so then they should be able to make the attempt.