Souls fans have been really great about coordinating community events. They’ve also done these revivals for Dark Souls 1 and 2 in the past.
Souls fans have been really great about coordinating community events. They’ve also done these revivals for Dark Souls 1 and 2 in the past.
Secret of Evermore I could understand, but is anyone really clamoring for a remake of Mystic Quest?
I doubt we’ll get SaGa, but I hope Taiko Drum Master gets a western release. It sucked that the Vita game never made it over; it’s actually very good.
Whenever I look down I see my body. I see my arms if I’m swinging a baseball bat too.
I really don’t think there’s anything redeeming about FF15's first person mode. It lacks any of the niceties that I’d expect from a AAA release. Simple things like head bobbing or seeing your character’s arms would go a long way to making it feel less like a tacked on feature.
I love the idea of a video game news show, but I have a few notes:
If you’re losing 80% of your matches then there’s something wrong there, not that it invalidates the rest of your comment or the way you feel about the game.
I got a Switch about 3 months ago and I’ve noticed the same issue with the controllers described by Totilo where they either don’t charge or discharge very quickly despite being plugged in for a solid 8+ hours.
The violent video games, believe me, are not good for children. I am told by some very smart people, the smartest even, well at least the smartest in the USA, have told me this themselves. You had better stop making them or I will rain fire and fury on you.
Does the Switch version of Dragon Quest Builders have any new additions/changes compared to the older versions? It’s hard to justify buying this port if it’s the same as the Vita version I already own and have made hours of progress in.
I wonder how many users are making characters based on people they know.
It blows my mind that with all the features Steam keeps adding we somehow still can’t filter our library by tags.
Sure, but when you say “Rein’s tiny” I think “head.” Seriously, is his brain contained in his shoulders?
She’ll never be on par with Mercy’s healing because Mercy is a dedicated healer, whereas Brigitte’s kit has a lot of utility. She’s an off healer.
it’s built on the Build Engine, which ran everything from Duke Nukem 3D to Shadow Warrior.
I hate them. If they’re going to have two thematically similar characters with pink and purple color schemes then their choice of mascots should’ve been obvious.
San-X is coming up from behind, I think. Months ago I got a Sumikko Gurashi penguin shampoo dispenser and it’s cute as fuck. Recently I was looking at the Nintendo Switch eShop and they have a Mario Party-type game on the store too. If they get and localize a show I’m sure the international cute shit community will…
American presidents are targets of constant ridicule on the international stage; it’s not even exclusive to the president serving at the time. I really don’t see the issue here.
The bump to player cap is nice, but ultimately I don’t think it will change anything. Most of the custom map makers have moved on, and I doubt a 24 player regular match is going to be anything less than a shitshow. Still, hopefully this is indicative of something bigger.
That’s pretty darn good video quality from what I can tell. This 1970 tv looks significantly better than my mid-90s crt.