The Palmtop Tiger

The whole death squad and implication of a public execution should you fail a drug test aside, how does this regulation stack up against regulations for other sports? Do say baseball players face the same scrutiny in the Philippians? If this regulation is a sign of parity between sports and esports within the

I’d never watch an anime on fast forward; I can hardly even do it on Youtube videos. That having been said, I’m sure these people exist. People think I’m trolling when I say that I skip OPs and EDs on most episodes of anime I watch.

So they’re not discontinuing support on iPhone 5 so much as they’re discontinuing support on pre-iOS 11 devices then, right? It’s not so much about specific models of iPhone as it is about operating systems.

The popularity of anime girl gaming personalities makes me wonder why more mainsteam idols don’t make gaming videos or stream regularly, particularly those who are already known to be heavily into video games. Someone like Rena Matsui could pull in massive numbers given her popularity from being in both SKE48 and

Yeah, Nintendogs and potential spinoffs seem like the most well suited of Nintendo’s IPs for microtransactions. Literally every new toy, accessory, and clothing item, including recurring items like food and shampoo are a potential point of sale. They can also expand on the concept to allow you to decorate the

Yeah, Ana has some serious issues, especially on consoles. Her biggest issue isn’t that her heals are poor, it’s that they’re skill-based heals. Technically, IIRC, Ana has the fastest heals, assuming you can actually hit your shots. On PC this isn’t as big of an issue, but on console it’s unreliable.

If not the 15 million subscribers he already had, then certainly the 300+ thousand subscribers he gained since he started uploading the Japan videos approve of him.

For Rom-Coms check out My Love Story or Monthly Girls Nozaki-kun. The first is a super cute story about first love; it’s a shojo manga, but you’d hardly know it without being told. It has very wide appeal. The second is more straight comedy, but it stands among my favorite in the genre.

Spoiler alert, yes. People know the odds of winning the lottery from drawings to scratch-offs, and every casino game posts their odds as well, but people play anyway despite the abysmal probability of winning.

The amount of detail in those Warhammer models is insane considering the fact that I’ve never zoomed in far enough to for individual units to fill my screen. Also, I don’t know how anatomically accurate that last image is, but it’s pretty cool.

I swear to god, if slideshows become the norm on Kotaku I’ll stop using it.

It was already portable on the Vita.

I was thinking the same, but Wolf Children was far better received in the west than his other works. I don’t think any casual moviegoers in the US really know about The Girl Who Leapt Through Time - at that time he was still pretty unknown having only done Digimon like 5 years prior.

I don’t see a bill restricting the sale of games with this mechanic signing into law for the same reason that the California law banning the sale of violent video games to minors failed in 2011 - freedom of speech. Ultimately, video games are a protected form of artistic expression, and banning a mechanic is a

How much do games normally cost in China? RMB 68 is only like 10USD. If that Twitter post is right, AFAIK China is getting these games for half the US price.

Not a bad list, but I don’t think The Orange Box would get much play, especially considering that one of the bundled games is dead in its original incarnation. If they were to release it they’d need to replace OG TF2 with F2P TF2, and even then, I’m not sure how well TF2 would do against Splatoon 2.

The introduction of Brutes and Scarabs was pretty cool, I think.

“It is essential that profit-making businesses cannot simply hijack our parks”

IDK about those Yi camera models, but I bought and use this one for my car and the picture quality is great for its price. If the action cameras above offer a similar value proposition

IDK about those Yi camera models, but I bought and use this one for my car and the picture quality is great for its

Bruh, it’s a six year old game without DLC, microtransactions, etc. that’s still getting new content. Anything they do for that game rather than developing a new project is wasted resources.