The Palmtop Tiger

Ultimately though, it doesn’t matter what the fans want. They think they want something, but they don’t. Big daddy Blizz knows best.

They’ll introduce some new form of bullshittery to the game after the holiday season, once everyone thinks their precious lightsabers have been saved and parents think that the Star Wars game is free of gambling and okay to buy for their kids. Once that happens, EA has everyone by the balls - either you put up with

Second of all, this sentence implies that up until this point Andy Mitten thought that all esports athletes were probably rapists.

Interesting article, it does make me wonder though: is Dragon Ball (and DBZ) more ubiquitous in the Black community than it is with White folk or other minority groups? I grew up in a very diverse community and while, yes, all of my Black friends are fans of the show, so are my White and Latino friends. I think that

General/area/whatever chat is almost always a shitshow. Barrens chat in vanilla WoW was truly hellish.

Step 1: Create a non-profit

Jesus fucking Christ, what pagan gods do I need to slit my wrists to in order to get a proper Warcraft RTS? This is some bullshit.

Besides being in poor taste, why use Ronda Rousey? She was the UFC darling like two year ago, then she suffered a series of humiliations and was dropped by fans like a ton of bricks.

Flash games have been on their way out for some time. Many are already lost, scattered to the far corners of the internet with only a handful of people on an old forum to grieve for them.

Hey man, I’ll fight anyone who shits on Kevin Smith. He might’ve done a few duds in the past three years, but he had 20 years of consistently well written films.

K-On art design was the height of “Moe-Blob” art design which saw dozens of imitators after starting arguably by Haruhi Suzumiya and popularize by Lucky Star.

Do we know how they’re planning on doing the remake for 2? Is it going to be like the Gamecube remake of Resident Evil 1 or are they going to try to make it into a contemporary horror game? I’d be down for an RE3 remake that keeps the original’s control scheme, but unless they completely reimagine the game, I think

I want it, but that’s like two days work.

I want it, but that’s like two days work.

It’s perfectly average. Mostly, you go to Hooters if you’re both hungry and too scared to go to a strip joint. If you want good wings you’re better off going to a local fast food restaurant or Buffalo Wild Wings because I guarantee that both are better than Hooters.

You might want to consider contacting the Strong Museum of Play, Library of Congress, or your local library to see if they’re interested in them.

This is the first I’m hearing of Hidive. How is it? It looks like they have a decent backlog, but with only three simulcasts, I wonder if it’s worth it long-term.

Fuck me, I just waited a month for an EVGA 1060 3GB from Fry’s. The bastards didn’t even put any packaging material in my $200 box.

Fuck me, I just waited a month for an EVGA 1060 3GB from Fry’s. The bastards didn’t even put any packaging material

IIRC, the first video was pretty obviously biting on real video game music. Off the top of my head, the tutorial was Legend of Zelda.

Man, Elite Dangerous has been a slow burn, huh? This is pretty interesting, but I’m more than content to sit on the sidelines and read about it every few months.

I’m not surprised. With corporations like these the head tends not to know what the arms are doing. By putting “competitions” in place to sell the most of a certain add-on item they’re inadvertently encouraging their in-store associates to do unethical things to boost their numbers.