The Palmtop Tiger

It’s not cosplay without Styrofoam, LEDs, and body-painting!

Because when I think modern gaming I think cables running across the room with the console sitting on the floor. Just because this emulates a retro device doesn’t mean it needs all of the inconvenience of the 80s-90s. This is a modern device.

All I can think about are the hand cramps I’d get from using such small controllers.

By mini cartridges, are you just talking about SD cards with a scaled NES cartridge shell? I can’t possibly imagine someone making proper cartridges that would load games.

It would seem that they haven’t put anything out. At this point, I kind of wonder if Double Helix still exists as a company. They might’ve just been absorbed into Amazon Game Studios.

I don’t see why not. It works on SteamOS, which is just a Linux distro. You’ll just need to map the controls, either through Steam itself or in the emulator’s settings.

I don’t see why not. It works on SteamOS, which is just a Linux distro. You’ll just need to map the controls, either

I’m gonna go ahead and say Nichijou deserves to be on there. Nichijou isn’t a bad manga, but it’s significantly better in motion. While watching the anime, I was laughing out loud, but with the manga I just find myself thinking that that a strip was funny.

The statement shouldn’t exist at all. You don’t need to say that it fits in the case because the case is made specifically for the computer. The article just needs to say that it comes with a traveling case.

The Steam Link or the controller? The controller is pretty weird, but intuitive. Using the left pad as a d-pad is challenging and less than ideal, so you probably won’t be using the Steam Controller for fighting games or 16-bit platformers.

The Steam Link or the controller? The controller is pretty weird, but intuitive. Using the left pad as a d-pad is

small enough to fit in its own custom suitcase.

Perfect for the discerning Weeb. Of course, it’s kind of useless for a home release. If someone is in your house, they probably already know your power level.

I haven’t played this yet, but regarding the “matchmaking grade,” if you’re maintaining your position and losing about the same as or more than you’re winning, then doesn’t that just mean you’ve reached the limit of your abilities, not that matchmaking is broken? It like “Just a Housecat” is upset that they’re facing

A lot of people complained that Log Horizon was boring by comparison, but I thought the opposite. I found the character interactions and the world building to be far more interesting than SAO ever was.

There’s no winning in this department. A few years ago, people were complaining that Steam was a walled garden, the only place where PC games could really succeed, and it completely shut out indie developers. Then they implemented a (flawed) system that allowed users to tell Valve what games they wanted on the

They don’t speak English because they speak Japanese.

I’m pretty sure he’s just a massive edgelord.

I like that they took the time to tell us their challenges and what they’re doing to mitigate risks. I do have my concerns though: despite the abundance of talent on the creative side of things, they don’t mention a single experienced programmer or designer. As a company, they are also new.

They also have the overarching theme of “friendship will get us through anything,” and “if you wish hard enough, everything will turn out okay,” typical shonen schlock.

Slow down there, that’s a revolutionary idea. It’s not like MMOs have had options for hiding helmets and capes for years now. Dice would’ve had to think of this new and intuitive feature all on their own.

“Blizzard Tech” is so damn boring though. I can’t imagine Steam being changed to “Valve Client” or Origin becoming “EA Store.” “Blizzard X” is beyond Uplay level of boring name.