The Palmtop Tiger

I’d also recommend the Realm of the Elderlings Trilogy by Robin Hobb. Better written, less swordfights, more drama, and it only follows one character, though he’s probably everyone’s least favorite in the series. Robin Hobb is a master at getting you invested in a character’s well being - she’s leaps and bounds beyond

Yeah, I mentioned that in a later comment.

Wow, those sprites and HUD are awful, and the level design doesn’t seem to fit Sailor Moon at all. I feel like, in the hands of a good map creator, a good Sailor Moon WAD is possible though.

I’ve never had it. I have a few cousins who swear by the stuff, but I’ve never seen them drink a single can of the stuff, nor did their mother stock it in their house when Crystal was still in production.

Fahey... Did you get cooler since the last Snacktaku?

But then they can’t really brand it “1893;” it’d be “1980" and who the hell would buy a soda with that name? They could just do a limited x months release with the original Pepsi Crystal recipe and label. People would buy it - there seems to be a lot of Crystal nostalgia.

That’s a neat concept, though I don’t know how I feel about the contemporary setting. I guess the meaning of the game (if there is one) might be lost if they set it in ancient times just to increase its appeal.

That’s pretty unfortunate. I think they’ve mostly been replaced by ModDB, but I’m sad to see it go.

Because the actual resolution of the image is 320 x 473, but for some reason either Fahey or Kinja blew it up to 574 x 850.

That would probably just reinforce his position that programming isn’t real work. “Construction is real work. Look how difficult it is. You’re a bunch of pussies for complaining about your aching fingers.”

The idea that making video games is an art, not work is kind of interesting. I think that’s mostly a position held by the old guard and maybe some current indie devs. It might’ve been art when it was just you and a few friends creating a passion project, but that’s really no longer the case. Unless you’re in the

The improved FMVs actually sound like a good incentive to buy the PC version over playing it through an emulator. FF9 translates pretty well to HD rendering compared to other games of the era, but the FMVs are always going to be shitty on the PSX copy.

I’d play it. Sci-fi DLC would be cool too. I’d pay good money to see Mothra swoop in and fuck my shit up.

Shit, son.

I don’t remember if micro-transactions were in the beta, but LoL’s beta was also significantly closer to release than Fable Legends was. Riot didn’t even announce that they would be using a F2P model until July 2009, then they officially released in October.

This is easily one of the most idiotic statements I’ve read this year. I don’t think you know how analogies work.

Where to Watch: No Western Simulcast Announced

I understand now. Thanks everyone.

I don’t see a problem with this decision, but the dev’s response is a bit confusing.

Didn’t they always claim to be the morality police? Whether or not that’s actually the case is another question.