The Palmtop Tiger

IIRC, Australia is pretty conservative, so if you’re trying to escape a conservative US president then maybe that’s not the place to go. Maybe try the Scandinavian countries. Life shouldn’t be too difficult - while it isn’t the official language, a large majority of the citizens speak English as a second language.

Since Paradox is making it, I’m as sure that this will be a great strategy gmaes as I am that it’ll be way too complex for me.

It’ll probably be 100% shit, but there’s a Naruto musical, so sure, why not?

The biggest shock to me is that they changed the name. When did that happen? I liked “Morpheus” a lot.

I was pretty turned off by the time I reached the ass slapping. Not offended by any means, but I had no interest in playing the game at that point.

They’re all stuck behind the bus.

Game Maker tries pretty hard to make creating games as simple as dragging and dropping assets. You can’t do everything that way, (you’ll have to go into the code at some point if you want to make something substantial,) but it allows you to create some surprising stuff with next to no programming knowledge.

I see where you’re coming from. I didn’t really think that far into the comment. I don’t think it was a conscious choice on the part of the ad creators - more of a thing that just ended up happening. The argument might be made that this is worse because the behavior is internalized.

It’s absolutely stunning for a decade-old game. If we could just do something about the low-poly environments it would be perfect.

They’re trying to elicit an emotional response. They want to rankle people by talking about their mothers, daughters, and sisters, all of whom people are typically protective of.

I think this really just demonstrates how mainstream video games have become. The Y Generation has grown up with video games, and before these people were jocks, odds are they played video games the same way that Gem X played with action figures. As millennials matured, so did video games, and, as a result, they’ve

Getting sarcasm across in text is pretty difficult because odds are that someone actually hold that opinion. That’s why I end sarcastic comments with /s.

At this point I’m just hoping someone develops a way to mod the Vita so we can get some fan translations.

Well Kotaku has a fairly liberal agenda, so it’s only natural that they’d talk about potential racial, sexist issues presented in video games. If this was something closer to a traditional game journalism site like Game Informer or Game Pro (defunct) then we probably wouldn’t see that many articles about social issues.

That’s also true. It might be more appropriate on an article which deals with issues of ethics.

Hmm, I could’ve sworn I bought Frozen Synapse as part of its own Humble Bundle back in 2011, but upon reviewing my library just now, I guess it’s one of the few bundles I didn’t buy. I’ve felt bad about buying and not playing it for years for no reason, I guess.

He’s shit-talking Gawker Media. Of course, the editors and writers on Kotaku have little real connection to the writers and editors at Gawker proper, so this really isn’t the appropriate place for him to complain.

You mean the “sponsored articles?” I haven’t seen one since downloading Ublock Origin. I just disabled it for a moment to see if that’s indeed what was blocking them, and sure enough, two appeared on the current front page.

Isn’t that just a normal amount of time between changing sheets?

I don’t think there’s more shit anime today, I think it’s that we see more of it. Ten plus years ago anime was a much more niche interest - less people were watching and the demographics were significantly different. What that translated to was only the best shows getting an English dub or sub, and only a few genres