The Palmtop Tiger

When I first picked up the original Guitar Hero guitar it wasn’t love at first sight either. Even after I got accustomed to the idea of a plastic guitar, it was another big adjustment when I switched to the Rock Band guitar and again when I got the Xplorer guitar with Guitar Hero 3. I’m sure that it’ll be

lol what? Really? That’s ridiculous.

I thought he left before MGS5 was even out the door. It’s so weird to see a giant in the industry get thrown out despite having released a super successful release less than 2 month ago. I’m sure that Kojima will land on his feet, and I’m excited to see what his next project might be.

Now playing

Subversion of expectations is used across medium and genre and depending on the context, your reaction can be wildly different. How many times have you watched a horror movie where they play suspenseful music as a character approaches a closet only for it to be empty, the music to stop, then the person is killed by

Disturbed or sadistic?

It costs nothing to issue a C&D, but if the devs decide to ignore it I doubt that Sony would take them to court.

No, you’re right.

The kid’s clock (top left) bears very little resemblance to either of the other two photos. Beyond that, the kid is an engineering student and explained both to his engineering teacher and the teacher who reported him that it was a clock. The clock was treated like a hoax bomb, but at no point did the kid claim that

Now playing

It’s worth mentioning that the really fast ones are truly massive. Check out the navy one that’s shown at the beginning of this video. Yeah, it’s fast, but it’s also basically stationary.

I’m fairly certain that the bottles still have a silhouette of a guy being mobbed by women after spraying themselves.

I just don’t understand why marketers still think that this practice is effective. I’ve never seen an ad with an attractive woman and had a strong desire to buy that product.

That might be the hardest I’ve ever had to work to understand a comic or joke for the smallest possible payoff.

Not only do those stores compete with Steam, but many of them also have exclusive products. That having been said, many retailers, like Amazon and GMG end up giving you Steam keys anyway, so in that respect, they’re subservient to Steam.

Half-Life 2: Episode Three

It’s an interesting idea, but I’m a bit concerned about what it’ll look like in execution. If games are designed to run both on the home console and handheld console then will the home version be dumbed down to run on the handheld? Will each game have two versions? Will the handheld have its own, separate library?

Is that G1? Fucking disgusting.

You’re awesome. Thanks for the help.

How does hatching eggs work now? With the mod you’d need to craft a nest; is that the case with the official content patch?

It’s still in beta. Also, the screencap with the naked lady and overly muscular black guy is running on sub-optimal settings. When running at full settings it actually does look like the pretty screenshots that they use for advertisement. The only problem is that you need pretty high specs to get a decent framerate at

How you people ever got conned into believing that you have Left- and Right-wing parties is beyond me. You only have Right and Further Right.