The Palmtop Tiger

It’s perfectly possible for an anime to be both shonen and slice of life. Bakuman most definitely falls into both categories. You can’t really dispute that Bakuman covers the characters’ day to day lives, which makes it slice of life by definition.

These types of games always look cool on paper, but are usually flawed in execution. Look at Evoland - very charming, but ultimately, not as much fun as the games it mimics.

Yeah, I didn’t mention Loadiine because it still has compatibility issues. Last I checked, just above half of all tested games were running correctly. Loadiine and other homebrew will probably get good far before the Wii U emulator becomes useful to the average user.

I’m sure that we’ll eventually get to the same place we were with the Wii in terms of homebrew. There has been a number of exploits, (most of which, patched,) so it’s feasible that we’ll be seeing a region unlocker at some point.

Way too much hair to convincingly look like Trump. It looks more like OHSHC’s Honey.

Here’s what I’ve never understood about these sexy cartoon costumes. These are still not in the public domain, right. So are costume manufacturers/distributors breaking copyright law or did Disney, Dreamworks, etc. actually give these companies licenses to make sexy adult costumes of their kids’ cartoons?

The same douche nozzles that wear hats and sunglasses while indoors or at night. There’s only one degree of separation between doing it in public and doing it while being viewed by thousands of people.

Increasingly? Japanese developers have never really paid attention to Xbox. It has no presence in Japan so it doesn’t make sense for them unless the franchise is wildly popular in the US - the only place where the Xbox has a truly massive presence.

I wouldn’t get too excited until these features are actually in the game. Don’t forget that the last time he said he’d be updating the game “soon” was in the summer of 2013, that update still hasn’t come. He also showed us footage of the quest system which seemed fairly concrete only to scrap and remake the system two

No one gets a free pass. I’m just saying that everything should be taken in context. For a first attempt, it was admirable. His second attempt was actually good. It was overly harsh of Hayao to tell his son that he should just give up on directing after his first attempt, and it’s a bit unfair for everyone else expect

It may have very well sucked, but it was also his first film. He was a freaking landscaper prior to Earthsea. No one comes out of the gate hitting home runs - you’ll strike out a few hundred times before you land your first.

Kotaku explained it in this article. Take a look at Tip 3 and maybe the video- it does a pretty good job of outlining the difficulty of playing the Rebels.

It’s a cotton swab, for future reference.

Feel the burn, baby. You gotta want it!

That neck thing looks so incredibly uncomfortable.

Christ, this game is beautiful. It’s rare that a game gets its source material so right, visually.

If you’re going to crash your vehicle into a single player then it might as well be Vader.

Considering that Youtube videos aren’t really a steady income I wouldn’t be so quick to spend it. I’d buy things I want to be sure. I’d get the new video game consoles, that ONE car that I want, etc. but I don’t think I’d be dropping millions like it’s nothing. This is how celebrities get in trouble. Look at Michael

What’s worse is that we can very easily find the exact address of his new house using either visual identification on Google Maps or browsing the realtor’s site itself. That’s a pretty dangerous proposition in an age where gaming celebrities are getting malicious things sent to their houses and shit. I’m sure more

Possibly Warframe too: