The Palmtop Tiger

The flaw in both systems is that they aim to boil a thousand-word opinion to a single value, whether that be yes/no or a number. The thing is, your intention doesn’t really matter. A blanket value isn’t going to be used by readers as a starting point for discussion, but as a final value. You might say that Pillars of

I’ve been thinking it for a while. Kotaku makes this big deal out of how pointless a number-based rating system is and how superior their yes/no/not yet/maybe system is, but it creates the exact same problem. It lets the “reader” (or non-reader) see the rating, whether it be numbers or yes/no, and create a snap

So I guess the odds of ever seeing a fourth season of The World God Only Knows is pretty much nil.

How long has this been on air? I can see how this might be amusing for a short time, but the novelty would wear off fairly quickly. Then again, if everything else on TV is just talk shows then maybe not. I feel like the writers would have to escalate the dialog to levels of ridiculousness within the first two years.

The customers were essentially robbed twice. Once because the movie was shit and a second time when the subtitles froze and they couldn’t even understand it.

Good, fuck the devs for doing that. This has been more or less common practice on Greenlight since its inception. A thumbs up in exchange for a copy of the game. The result was a shit-ton of shovelware on Steam.

Your original comment made your reason for changing very different than the one you’re listing now. Throughout this thread you’ve stated that you don’t want “that kind of gross” in your house, not that you’re doing it because you’re slipping into something more comfortable.

Right, and kids who get teased for eating boogers should continue to eat boogers. Should the smelly guy at work who gets pulled aside by their boss and told to put on deodorant tell their boss to fuck off because fuck the establishment and your preconceived notions of hygiene? There are certain things which are

It’s not at all strange for Japanese households to have “guest slippers.” If you’re going to impose such a rule on your guests then you should probably provide a minimum level of comfort for them.

It’s not too strange to change your clothes when you get home, but your reasoning is kind of odd. Most people change out of their work clothes to be more comfortable. How do you handle guests coming over your house? It’s not unreasonable to ask guests to take their shoes off when entering, but asking them to change

but you hear more about the failures.

You wipe most of the stuff on your doormat, a hard-bristled (like palm fibers) mat, which is located just outside your front door.

I would expect that most people, especially the lower classes, make their own, so no.

You don’t want Pepper, say, popping up in a porno, do you?

Probably not. This is a “glitch” whereas Hot Coffee was actually designed, Moero Cystal is a fan-service game anyway. If you’re buying it then we know why you’re buying it. I doubt there’d be a large outcry against this game.

The detail on the characters’ clothes seem kind of out of place.

I’ve had the opposite reaction in pretty much every instance. It’s not the worst thing in the world; Nintendo has gotten pretty good at them since the Wii first came out, but I didn’t enjoy them in either Legend of Zelda 3DS remake. It’s mostly a preference thing, I guess. I’d rather not twist around in my seat to

Oh, good. I didn’t hear much upset about the control scheme at the announcement so assumed that no one cared. I can’t help feeling that the control scheme is going to suck, or at the very least, it’s not for me. I hope they include an analog stick alternative.

Really? Damn! At that price I would’ve definitely picked one up.

Is there any savings for people already taking advantage of the student discount?

Is there any savings for people already taking advantage of the student discount?