The Palmtop Tiger

You mean his name isn’t “Dr. Wowwy?”

1 Vs 100 was fantastic. My family and I would all gather around the same TV and play together.

Here’s your chance, prospective voice actors. Scab it up!

This doesn’t surprise me in the slightest. Scott has a really good Youtube channel where he’s either being clever, informative, or both. I’ve learned a decent amount about the UK from him.

Jackie Chan probably has some of the best bloopers ever.

Well the quote in the article seems to say that they’ve done a bit to modernize the controls. Mouse look goes a long way in that department.

Despite my lack of interest in the original game, I’m very happy that Mane 6’s work didn’t go to waste.

I’m pretty niffed with Catan. About a year ago I saw it for cheap at Walmart and snapped it up. Only after I got home and opened the box did I realize I didn’t purchase Settlers of Catan. I purchased “Catan Gallery Edition” which is basically a beginner version where, instead of having individual hexes, it has bunches

I’m pretty niffed with Catan. About a year ago I saw it for cheap at Walmart and snapped it up. Only after I got

$300 is dirt cheap for a working arcade cabinet based on what I’ve seen. I’ve seen Ms. Pac-Man machines going for ~$2k and those things were everywhere back in the day. I would’ve thought that something relatively rare, like this Sonic machine, would cost more.

Eventually we’ll have the entire game rendered in Unreal Engine 4. Then we’ll hand it over to the amateur programmers. Nobody tell Nintendo.

That finger was all I could think about.

It looks like you’re the only one who picked up that I was pointing at the finger. Look at how bizarre it is. We’re seeing the hand from a top angle and the finger from a side angle.

What’s going on here?

He gets a lot of flack for taking the easiest, and most boring way out. He defends a lot, gets a few hits in, and lets the clock count down. Inevitably, the judges will give it to Mayweather because he scored the most points. That’s just not entertaining; people want a slug-fest.

I’d pick science on impulse then realize I’m a writer. Which is kind of an art, though no one would read my writing and think so.

It seems you don’t know what “stagnant” means. It means to not flow, to stay still, to stop developing. If new players aren’t coming in and no changes are being made to the game then that’s the very definition of stagnation.

One of three things is going to have to happen as the series moves forward. 1) Valve will continue to appease hardcore players by not updating the game in any meaningful way but warding away potential new players, essentially the game will stagnate 2) Valve will create future iterations according to their vision,

It was all a hoax. THIS is The Last Guardian.

I get scared of going between the legs. There’s always that chance that you’ll hit the leg, get stuck, then they freak out and squish you.

The horribly remixed version of an outdated pop song really completes the generic-ness of the trailer.