The Palmtop Tiger

and the growing number of over-their-heads kids shows

No kidding, that’s what I just said. If they didn’t do it then, they’re not going to do it any time soon.

I hate to break this to you, but inverted X is not “standard fps controls.” You’ll notice that every game worth a damn has normal X and maybe include an option to invert it. Even inverted Y isn’t default, though the option is an industry standard at this point.

They did the 3DS version just 4 years ago with some moderate visual updates. They didn’t do an HD remake then, and even though OoT3D saw massive success, they didn’t do an HD remake of Majora’s Mask either, so I doubt we’re going to be seeing one for another decade.

Put your hand on your head and push your head forward. You are now looking down. Now pull your head backwards, you are now looking up.

Now I understand what you’re saying, but it still doesn’t translate correctly because you don’t play with the back of the analog stick, you play with the top.

Except that’s not really correct. To simulate moving the head left and right you would need to rotate the analog stick, not tilt it. Tilting left and right would be the same as resting your head on your shoulder.

Why would you want an inverted X axis? I don’t personally use inverted Y, but the logic behind it makes sense, it’s similar to your head movement. Inverted X would have nothing to do with your head movement, it’s just bizarre.

Imagine what Urameshi would’ve been capable of with one of these. Spirit Shotgun would’ve been devastating.

They’re just mad that they aren’t as good as good as their JROTC drill team.

Yeah, as soon as I replaced the first D with “ALPHA” everything went to shit.

I didn’t even know that Ness’s bat could reflect projectiles...

Check out that sweet knock-off SNES controller.

I wonder who fucked up. I’m guessing that it wasn’t every single retailer who under-stocked, but Disney who gave every retailer way too little.

All 4 anime series made it to the States, but Genesis was cancelled. A number of video games were also released in the US, and obviously, the model line. It was pretty popular for a time, but IDK how relevant they are today.

I’m only 17 hours into the game, but up to now, I only have five complaints.

I’m not too worried about the disk. As a kid I used to mark all of my disks with big stickers with my name on it when I took it to friends’ houses. I’ve never had an issue with it. The glue is pretty good for a while and if there’s any danger of it falling off you’ll definitely see it beforehand since it lifts and

This makes wonder about the classic irresistible force paradox. What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Someone else has to spawn in a train moving in the opposite direction and see what happens.

a Jew

But what about all of the young gamers today. If games suddenly became very mature then there would be a disconnect and general decline of gaming among children.