The Palmtop Tiger
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Anyone who’s followed my posts on Reddit is probably tired of me talking about it by now, but Nox is probably the best isometric ARPG of all time.

It’s a beautiful building, but the story is actually far more interesting. After Shogun Yoshimitsu died it was converted into a Zen temple. During this time the Zen school of Buddhism was receiving a lot of government backing and really succeeded in getting a firm grip of Japan as a result.

Oh, those are just called emoticons. They’re obtained by completing badges, which is done by collecting all of the cards for a given game. Cards are obtained simply by having the game running and they aren’t really much of an incentive toward buying a game since, at most, you can make like 0.15USD per card. It’s also

What the hell is a Steam avatar?

The game will be finished far before the 4 day early release. Don’t forget that this is seeing a simultaneous console release, so the game has to be packaged, shipped, and inventoried before release date. It’s 4 days, not 4 months. This early release isn’t going to make a difference when it comes to the game’s quality.

Plus it legitimizes comics. Super heroes, and comic books in general, are finally being folded in to the mainstream. It’s every 60-90s’ nerd’s fantasy realized, acceptance.

Agreed, GW2 did quest dialog very well, but then again, there wasn’t really that much of it since the only quest was the main story quest and dungeons. Voice Acting helped a lot as well. The last time I played WoW was before any graphical overhauls, so maybe they’ve added that, but at the time that I was playing quest

I think that Aladdin is the go-to example of how to do tie-in games correctly. Two different games by two different studios, one for Genesis and one for SNES, and somehow both were fantastic. Both games are considered top-tier platformers on their respective systems.

Burger King are the ones that proposed it, so McDonald’s obviously has Burger King’s blessings. Why would McDonalds refuse the offer then proceed to make a Whopper imitation on their own? It’s essentially an act of war for an event that’s supposed to promote peace, which was the whole point of the proposal.

In honor of the recently proposed but never gonna happen, “McWhopper,” I fully expect Fahey to construct his own and and make an article about it. Get hopping, Fahey!

Jokes about only looking at the pictures aside, the short stories in Playboy were (are? idk,) pretty well curated, and many big name writers submitted their work to them, so getting published there was a big deal to up and comers. Playboy is best known for their porn, but it’s definitely more than that.

Maybe I’m not as big a gamer as I think I am, but I’m not willing to wait for 3 hours for anything, let alone a five minute demo of a game.

Yeah, it is, but the color of the water is bothering me. Presumably, it’s blood, so why is it black?

It takes JonTron so long to put out content that the Amiibo would’ve been restocked ten times over by the time he got the ad out the door.

I’d buy a Bastion amiibo, or really any official figurine from a Supergiant game. They’re 2 for 2.

Honestly, this is the best Amiibo in terms of unlocked content IMO. People have wanted co-op since the game originally came out. I wonder if this will extend to the free DLC campaigns.

If by “straight from Waterworld,” you mean “nothing like Waterworld.” The painted airplane looks like a Short S23 while Waterworld used a Helio H295. They’re totally different. For one, the Short was down right massive 17 passengers + 5 crew when compared to the Helio’s 1 crew and 5 passengers. For another, their

I’m playing the SNES version, downloaded through the Wii virtual console, which is being emulated through my Wii U. (That’s like, Inception-level deep emulation.)