The Palmtop Tiger

they did it because it is the lazy way out

I assure you, it isn’t.

Is this actual in-game art? Why did they go with pixel art on the cards? It clashes with the rest of the interface and some other cards (like the one in the top right) pretty badly.

It’s not like the US isn’t fascinated by it as well. I can’t go to a flea market without seeing a few stands hawking Nazi relics (no doubt lifted during WW2 by the seller’s parents and grandparents,) and a fairly large number of people actually stop to inspect them.

I think that a lot of people just struggle to see their country through an international lens. That’s mostly the fault of the education systems within those nations.

Go hammer some more screws.

This looks absolutely fantastic. I wish that there were more games with completely nonsensical premise.

often outlawed competitively

No one is asking you to. If you have another system which you can play it on then you’re definitely better off just playing it on that console. ZombiU isn’t good enough to 1) warrant the purchase of a Wii U 2) deserve a second purchase on another console. It was good, but nowhere near that good. It’s a solid 7-8/10

Welcome to /r/patientgamers. The base game is probably worth the $30, but as you said, you’re probably better off waiting until the complete edition inevitably gets released at a similar price point.

It’s pretty clear that you have no idea what you’re talking about at this point. They’re two distinct drugs which work in different ways and have different side effects, which is why when one doesn’t work doctors tend to prescribe the other. You’re not comparing name brand and generic versions of the same drug; you’re

Except they’re not basically the same because they’re still two different drugs. That’s like saying that Ibuprofen, Aspirin, and Paracetamol or that screws and nails are the same thing because they solve similar problems.

he had only become aware of the use of Adderall, or Ritalin as it is more commonly known in Australia and New Zealand

Some men just can’t. It’s either patchy or doesn’t grow at all in some cases. The art of a good beard is working with what you’ve got, and if you have a really patchy beard and thin mustache then your best option is probably to shave it off entirely.

Honestly, some of the most mundane premises make for fantastic games. In Harvest Moon you’re a farmer, in Animal Crossing you’re trying to pay off your debts by doing odd jobs, in Stanley Parable you’re a pencil pusher who no longer wants to do what he’s told.

Now playing

For anyone who wants to see Jackie Chan as Chun-Li (and a number of other characters.) It’s a funny scene, but when compared to Jackie Chan’s usual action scenes it’s pretty tame.

1) be able to grow a beard

Ha, you probably shouldn’t have started the kid off with the super spicy stuff. It tastes great, but the profuse eye sweat that accompanies it isn’t.

I question the authenticity of curry made in Japan.

There have been a few women who regularly cycle in and out of my gaming group. I can confirm that there’s a creepy vibe when they join. The change in attitude is bizarre, as if everyone needs to drop what they’re doing and attend to them. I kind of dread when they get on for that reason. The girls in my group are fun,