The Palmtop Tiger

Steam has had a number of other US civil war games for a while, so I highly doubt that this game would be removed.

Ah yes, Pocky, the quintessential weeb candy.

Pokemon had a pretty poor story. You pretty much wake up one day and decide to capture lots of Pokemon, along the way you run in to an organization that’s stealing people’s Pokemon. You somehow manage to destroy their entire organization and go on to become the strongest Pokemon trainer in your region. The end.

But if the tail extended past the length of a normal card then it wouldn’t fit in your wallet.

It’s funny you should mention that. Wow players nearly pissed their pants from excitement when they revealed this graphic overhaul not too long ago. As someone who grew tired of WoW during WotLK and hadn’t seen it in a while it looked exactly like I remembered it. Obviously it was an improvement, but the mind does

Nintendo has made a lot of errors and failures in the past. They’ve chosen to exclude features in games that should have been implemented, implemented features that dragged down their games, and poorly implemented other features which may have otherwise worked. I can’t blindly assume that the game would be worse off

Both get to control the doll then while one is controlling the doll their original body becomes a doll. If the second player tries to control the doll while the first player is already controlling it then he/she will end up controlling the first player’s original body. It really doesn’t seem that difficult to

The decision to boot people makes sense since you can’t play with only two people, so I don’t have any gripes about that decision.

You can always replace it. It’s a CR2025. Just pop that bad boy open.

No, because Miles Morales is at least partly inspired by Donald Glover. Of course, even though he’s an inspiration, Miles is supposed to be a young teenager. Donald Glover wouldn’t be able to get away with it at this point.

This is brilliant. I’d love to see this become a weekly installment.

Meh, I really like the Naga’s side buttons better. It isn’t strictly necessary, but I’ve grown so accustomed to having them that I prefer using them to type numbers over a keyboard numpad.

Maybe I’m desensitized to the whole thing, but I found both the video and your description pretty mild. I think it’s a pretty interesting proof of concept, but I wouldn’t be interested in playing a full game like this, it just isn’t for me.Still, I think it could really open some doors as far as dating sims go.

But if you take the cartridge out then the game will reset and you’ll have to start from square one again!

In fact, Boyes said gamers will know how long the PS4’s timed-exclusivity lasts relatively soon.

That’s my biggest gripe about a lot of RPGs. Big numbers just make it look daunting, but it’s relative to your damage. If a boss has 1 trillion health and you’re doing 1 billion per hit then you can just as easily reduce the values to 100 health and 1 damage per hit. Obviously, no studio is going to do that because

Things went well! Er, for a little while.


I mean, “Pokemon,” “Digimon,” “Bakugan,” “Zoids,” and “Yu-Gi-Oh” were all nonsense and they all did very well in the US. I don’t think that kids will be bothered by the name. If Hasbro also releases toys and the anime alongside the game release then I think that this’ll be a mega-hit that’ll reach Digimon, if not

What’s the dollar to bottlecap conversion rate, you think?