The Palmtop Tiger

I thought that this was the most interesting thing I won’t play at E3. I mean, it seems cool, but I have no interest in actually making anything with it. I’m also having a bit of difficulty figuring how who the target demographic for this is. I’d assume it’s the same people who use Source Movie Maker. It’s not really

This isn’t the only project Rare is working on

Here’s the video for those of you who missed it. Not a single person clapped for the poor bastard. He gets an A for enthusiams though.

lol what? Have you even used a PC before? Last I checked, I don’t need to log on to any service every 24 hours to play my games. Likewise, I’m not limited to how many machines I can play my game on. GoG is completely DRM free and with Steam I can play in offline mode as long as I’ve logged in from that computer at

Both Next Car Game and Beam.NG’s engines were developed in-house. Next Car Game’s is called ROMU. IDK if Beam.NG’s has a name.

I played Beam.NG before it ended up on Steam. It was a lot of fun, even if it was pretty limited at the time. The big question in my mind is which game will come out on top. or Next Car Game? I suspect fans of the games to really duke it out before either comes out of Early Access.

Now playing

I’m thoroughly suprised at how smoothly it’s running. Let’s ignore the missing textures, models, and messed up lighting for a moment. Those games are running at around at around full speed. PSX and PS2 didn’t get there until quite some time after development. I’m actually thoroughly impressed by this demo. I can see

I’ve always liked Gordon. Outside the main cast (the villains, various Robins, Batman, and Alfred,) I’ve always thought he was one of the most interesting characters. I’m excited to see how his character changes as time goes on. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he started acting less and less like a cop.

Batman is assumed dead. It’s right in the article. I’d also assume that Gordon doesn’t get to use the Batcave since very few cops know Batman’s identity (Wayne or Gordon.) Alfred also just offered the Batcave to Clark Kent, as shown in one of the scans in the article.

I thought the game’s name was shit, but didn’t think anything of it - lots of games have terrible names. I also found it strange that I had never heard of the game, but again, I didn’t think it was altogether impossible.

That’s almost as bad as the Korra treatment. At least they aren’t taking it on and off air with no real announcement or reason why.

Let’s put that $199 in to perspective. Due to inflation, that’s about $345 today (2015.) That’s actually comparable to the Wii U’s release price and not far off of the Wii’s. It makes me wonder if Nintendo is shooting to keep their prices more or less the same.

I’ve never taken a moment to consider it, but Harley Quinn is wicked strong considering she’s able to swing a sledgehammer around like it’s nothing.

/r/thebutton reached the front page of Reddit countless times since its inception. If you don’t use Reddit then that’s one thing, but if you do and somehow managed not to see it then you’re either incredibly unlucky or completely blind.

even core minecraft hasn’t changed much

While some Filmmaker stuff is well made, let’s not kid ourselves, the vast majority is complete garbage. This video is a gem.

That’s a technicality.

Yeah, well it’s nice for me because I live in a big house. My room is in the attic, so it gets really hot in the summer and really cold in the winter. I have my Ouya set up as a multimedia device in the TV room where it’s cozy all year long, so it’s nice to be able to come down and continue playing without missing a

lol, what? Why would MS have continued to support a decade old operating system? They’d be spending money to keep an outdated OS with an extremely limited audience alive. What would they have to gain? How long would you have expected them to keep XP up to date? Indefinitely?

I’ve recently made the jump to Potplayer. It’s pretty nice as well and I highly recommend it. It’s just as feature rich as VLC.