The Palmtop Tiger

I thought this was interesting as well. This wouldn't be the first source mod released as a standalone on Steam, but it does seem like the first (third party mod) which people are charging for.

I really want both the show and game to hit the west. It doesn't even need to make it all the way to the States as long as it sees an English release.

It's not really that strange. Voice actresses frequently play young boys both in anime and western cartoons. Unfortunately, getting a young voice actor to play a young character means that the character will either need to age, the character will have a short life within the show, or the show will be short.

"Full Blown Autism" is something that is often used to describe Brony conventions, but even this didn't make me cringe as hard as everything I've read about Dashcon. It's really the perfect culmination of social awkwardness and a shitty event.

$0; I can't name many successful crossovers outside of Scooby-Doo and I'd rather not sully either series.

I'm going to be devastated when my disc doesn't work anymore.

"We're conscious of the fact we have not had yet the sort of groundswell of Japan native content from Japanese publishers and developers," explained Andrew House. "I view that as temporary."

Heat stroke is heat stroke, whether or not you are out of shape it can happen, and in 104f weather I'm not surprised that they suffered from it.

I tried taking my empty garbage cans from the street while barefoot a few days ago. Big mistake.

I was thinking the same thing. It's kind of like you showed the video game version to a child and asked them to recreate it.

and boy does it suck shit.

About a year ago I would've called you an idiot, but at this point I just don't think it is possible. It's unfortunate because the Vita is a very nice system.

I watched the first 2 episodes and came to the same conclusion. I like the art style, but the animation is the work of Satan. I've literally never seen choppier animation than KoS and it really detracts from the show as a whole. I'll probably continue to watch it because I take pride in finishing things that I start

inb4 someone bulk buys a similar promotion and gets shut down by BB and is stuck with a bunch of products he/she doesn't want.

Now playing

Like the thing in the picture above, but without the Kinect, for $360. [Xbox One]

TBH, I haven't gotten around to trying all of the (M) characters yet. I downloaded it a few days ago for funsies, but I had to prep for a tourney so I ended up playing vanilla.

I wish that was an alternative costume. I recently downloaded Project M for Brawl and I was really happy to see that he was added as an alternative to regular Mario, even if I'm unlikely to ever play either of them because they're mostly bad.

If she were smart then she would've hung her head in shame, pretended to grab the cones, and actually have grabbed the ice cream.

Holy hell that was good. I've never seen that movie, but now I'll have to. The way that scene started I didn't expect it to make a turn like that.