The Palmtop Tiger

On 2ch, people did appear amused. "This person just made enemies with GBA fans," wrote one 2ch commenter. "What's wrong with the Advance..." asked another. Others said it was wrong to mock people like this, while some wondered if this means you'll get mocked if you play retro games on the train.

This gets me thinking, cats would be great practice opponents for Nok Hockey.

Arabic is a beautiful language, both written and spoken. If this Ted talk is to believed then it's a dieing language, it's unfortunate whenever a language dies.

When did this happen? For a site that posts so much fluff, I'm surprised that Kotaku didn't cover it.

I set about cleaning it—swiping the dust from the cooling fans, blowing it out of the corners of the case, that kind of thing. As I did so, I felt a strange warmth come over me, like I was actually cleaning out some dark corner of my brain. About a half an hour later I was done. The inside of my PC was clean, the

I wasn't criticizing you specifically, even if my comment was a response to you.

Not only is the team inexperienced, but the scope of the game seems pretty ambitious. I really want to see the game succeed, but I'm skeptical. I'll keep an eye on the Kickstarter, $10 for the game isn't a huge gamble.

This kind of reminds me of the flak that Darksiders received leading up to its release. People called it a blatant ripoff of Zelda, God of War, and Devil May Cry because they used similar game mechanics. In reality Darksiders became a tribute to those games and it culminated to form a pretty great game.

Female protagonists are becoming a hot item in gaming. I guess enough people complained about it so that developers finally started taking notice and it's become the thing to do. In reality, the protagonist's gender/race/sexual orientation shouldn't be of great importance unless it has an effect on the story.

I'd piss my pants if Rare actually made sequels to their classic games or even games inspired by their classics. Microsoft really screwed the pooch on that one.

Phil is a shithead. He was an asshole as a public figure and when he received flak for it he threw a fucking temper tantrum and cancelled his game. As explained in the video, this is fine if you're a average joe schmuck, but when you're trying to sell a product you can't fucking do that. Seriously, imagine the CEO of

Adoring Fan from Oblivion?

Well put, unless you're a graphics whore pc hardware is pretty affordable. The need to upgrade has slowed significantly since like 2005.

I can get better burgers at grill and bar type restaurants.

We were all pretty excited when Bungie announced that their much-hyped multiplayer shooter Destiny would feature beloved actor Peter Dinklage, best known for his show-stealing portrayal of Tyrion Lannister on Game of Thrones, in a large voiceover role.

It isn't really that expensive. A Big Mac sandwich (no fries or drink) costs ~$4 with its normal toppings; Five Guys burger costs ~$6 with unlimited toppings of your choosing. Add to that the fact that they use fresh lean beef (a more expensive ingredient) and that they cook to order and that makes up for the cost.

It'd be nice if they had a few different nozzles. One for the cokes, one for the sprites, etc. I think that'd solve a good portion of the flavor discrepancy.

We can have no friends together.

Wow, I don't think they could've made a worse fanfare if they tried.