The Palmtop Tiger

Can't a person dream?

I wonder how they're going to keep players within the play area. FC 1&3 both took place on remote islands, and 2 was surrounded by desert. The Himalayas, on the other hand, are surrounded by villages. Maybe they'll make the villagers shoot on sight; I just hope they don't put invisible walls around the mountains.

Far Cry 4 will be out on November 18 for PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, and PC.

Let's be honest, Double Dash was the best in the series.

I'm glad you're being so level headed. I don't need people to agree with me, I just need them not to start wildly punching and kicking when they hear something they don't agree with.

How come board/tabletop games are so expensive? Even relatively simple games like Apples to Apples costs $30, and I rarely see tabletop and board games go on sale.

I've been following this guy since the original Kinect came out. He's done some pretty cool stuff in the past before a long radio silence. He recently started up again, and I'm glad. I'd love to see what sort of stuff he comes up with using both his Kinects and the Rift. I wish someone would send him a few of the Xbox

It's not really that strange when you consider the other foods that Japan has. Besides, McDonalds has a mint shake for March, and Dunkin Donuts has a mint smoothie. What's stranger to me is that they're referring to it as a gum flavor instead of just mint.

My understanding is that strategy applies to the long game E.G. fighting a war, while tactics is short-game E.G. fighting a skirmish. That's why RTSes are called strategy games, while some shooters have the "tactical" moniker. So you're right, Supershot would probably be considered a tactical shooter because it

Considering that you're buying a decade old product it carries several implications that should conceivably lower the price. You've got to worry about cosmetic damage, whether the game actually functions, and on certain games (like Pokemon) you need to think about replacing the internal battery. So, while that copy of

I'm not sure if "tactical" is the word. There are loads of tactical FPSes (ARMA, Ghost Recon, America's Army, etc.) You're right that this game is something new though. It almost feels turnbased in the sense that it doesn't happen in real time. Somehow it reminds me of Ninja (the playground game.)

I'm sorry you had to deal with that kind of stuff; that's inexcusable.


Great, feel free to ban me on Steam then.

I don't think that's how bans work.

Kinja should consider adding a mute or report comment button. There's a lot of toxicity in this thread.

Real mature.

There are little alcoves you can hide in. For whatever reason From Software made a single alcove that doesn't protect you, and of course it's in just the right spot so that you're always tempted to go in to that one.

Words exchanged over the internet are just as real as words IRL. Similarly, being behind a screen doesn't change the way that bullies work.

I'd play the shit out of a fan game.