The Palmtop Tiger

The only thing you need to do is ignore them and they move on to the next target. If youre too stupid to know that, you deserve to be trolled.

Something about malicious trolling is really unsettling to me, more so than anything I've experienced, seen, or heard about in DayZ. I can't help finding trolling for the sake of trolling, somewhat sadistic in nature. While one can argue that the same thing exists in DayZ, the primary difference is that it is the

The technology just didn't exist at the time. Even today, you hear about the Kinect failing to understand a lot of people.

But that's what it is... a Kaiju. Yes, it's a giant monster, but when we have a specific term with a specific meaning why would we want to drop it in favor of ambiguity? You see, Kaiju has a more specific feel to it than calling something a monster flick. and when you hear the term "Kaiju" you know exactly what you're

Pokemon Snap was the shit when I was a kid, but we made fun of the only kid in the neighborhood who got Hey You Pikachu. In retrospect, the special edition Pikachu N64 was pretty cool, but Hey You Pikachu was still one of the worst games on N64 IMO.

lol did you think that plugging in the Oculus would make the game jump two decades in graphical fidelity? That'd be pretty impressive.

That's scary.

The award goes to Molydeux.

Adventure Time has some surprisingly decent games. I think this could work.

If I literally saw a game announcement in a flashforward then I don't think I'd admit that to anyone. I might report the game announcement, but I sure as hell wouldn't tell them that I had some sort of vision.

Microsoft and Rare, please do it. There's never enough Banjo in my life.

I feel like the name is a missed opportunity. Instead of "Games with Gold" they should've called it "Golden Games," this both implies that the games are good and communicates what the program is.

That's sick.

Just for clarification, it wasn't the mouse that cut your thumb open right? That'd be one brutal mouse.

Between the misuse of words, terrible recommendation list, and this gem

I'm pretty sure he just wants to share a cool wallpaper. Keep in mind that Kotaku (Gawker Media as a whole) is a blogging site and not a news site, so a lot of what they post is fluffy filler.

In hindsight that's pretty obvious, but riding on the coattails of the massively successful Wii and DS, one would assume that a system featuring both would sell like hotcakes.

That's basically the way things work for me in every game. Glowing light on the floor? Better investigate: BOOM! Curiosity kills me every time.

It seems like an incremental step up from the original Kinect, but one step up from the Kinect is still a bad product. Microsoft took a gamble; they felt that they had an adequate and unique product which the consumers would want, and they lost. I don't think this is the last that we'll see of the Kinect though. I

I don't want to pay an extra $100 for something that essentially turned out to be Siri for Xbox, that's outrageous.