The Palmtop Tiger

Was thinking the same. The blue roofs remind me of the tarps you find on a lot of hovels.

Out of curiosity, what would currently be considered a "good" discount on a dualshock 4. I want to get one.

I was thinking the same. I'm almost positive Tera has controller functionality because once I had my controller plugged in and it showed an image of a controller in one of the corners. What the purpose of the image was, idk, but it was there. I didn't have any interest in playing with a controller so ignored it.

If the whole thing wasn't so well documented for the past 2+ decades then I might be more skeptical. I mean, the whole story is just so out of this world.

It just feels so off for me. IDK how to describe it. There's button combinations that shouldn't be necessary like shift+(whatever), sprint/dodge was mapped to the space bar and jump was mapped to F, which was ludicrous to me. Also, double left/right click had functions, but I couldn't for the life of me figure out how

No way. Cheesy Garlic Bread tastes too generic. I felt like I picked up one of those TGIF snack bags. Chicken and Waffles brought something new to the table, even if the execution was flawed. Chicken and Waffles wasn't the best of the three, but it was the most unique. If I want garlicy chips then those exist

Here they are, in no particular order:

Exit Through the Gift Shop

It was painful for me. Maybe with some tweaking it would've been playable, but I thought it was just god-awful. After about an hour and dieing to the hippo cyclops at the very beginning like twenty times I just gave up and plugged in my 360 controller. I was so disappointed because I genuinely prefer the

What are you talking about. That's some solid mathing there. Gen X ended in the early 80s and the NES didn't hit the states until 1985 (mid 80s.) His math was totes accurate. /s

lol, that Atari version was such garbage. I guess I shouldn't expect much from the Atari, but I'm always surprised at how poorly most games are ported to it.

Not even a little bit.

I always forget that people consider mobile phones a part of the gaming industry.

Lost Levels sounds incredible. I can't believe how respectful the people in the videos were. I'd be very interested in attending if there's ever an event in the tri-state area. The variety in topics is pretty exciting and ensures that there's something for everyone.

Well if you wanted to use the keyboard then don't even bother trying. Dark Souls 2 (and 1) on PC just has fucking terrible controls. If you have a PC controller and a PC that's up to snuff then go with the PC version, if you're missing either then go for PS3.

Really though, that's a result of how it was during the early days of video games (you can argue that we're still in the early days.) People were more concerned with churning out as many games as possible instead of making sure that they were actually any good.

I still haven't finished Skyrim's main story. There are so many fricken sidequests that I just haven't gotten around to it. I also started a new file on Oblivion and after 21 hours all I've finished is the thief guild questline and some assorted quests.

Don't worry about me lol. With as little time as you have you should use it doing whatever you enjoy most.

Weirdly, the Darksaber's blade is actually shaped like a regular blade, thin and with an edge, although the blade is slightly curved and the back of it is somehow serrated, too.

I'm all for making learning coding fun because frankly it's not exactly exciting, but this probably isn't the way. I'd be interested in meeting the individuals who would use such a service.