The Palmtop Tiger

I'm done with this. If you want to know then you can look at my responses to other people in this thread.

Here, you're missing the unpopular (but actually very popular) opinion puffin.

You beat me to it. The rest of the series' name scheme is just as strange. "We Love Clumps" "Me and My Clump" "Clump Love (or affection)". Perhaps strangest of them all is "Touch My Katamari" which is kind of a double entendre I think, especially when considering the other translations of the word "Katamari" which

I came to say the same. Left-field plot twists/jokes are kind of a trope in comedies and slice of life. Honestly, I'd be surprised if there was some build up toward these plot twists. I'm glad that Richard included it in his review since it is something to keep in mind going in to it, but I don't think that it's

Not only that, but I think he's one of the few characters that had actual character development, the other being Majin Buu.

You're a real prick. In every conversation that we've ever had you've come at me with personal attacks and have twisted my words to illustrate a point that doesn't exist. Maybe you missed the original comment where I said that these runs are interesting and expressed the preference of seeing someone run through games

I'm not sure that being capable of doing something is the same as working within the rules. For example: in the UFC it's against the rules to eye-gouge, but I am physically capable of doing it. That having been said, I also recognize that speedruns have their own set of rules, mostly that anything goes if you're

Yahoo compared it to Hello Funtime Now from SNL. I'm inclined to agree.

I'd have paid full price. Have you played any of the mission DLC? Is it worth it?

I can't stand the gifs at the top of articles, I mean, what's the point? The guy just looks like he's doing some awkward white guy dance in the gif. It's entirely redundant IMO. I started cracking up when the guy from the PAX panel told the staff that he liked the gifs because it was such a "wtf is going on here?"

Putting aside that this video is so old that it deserves a burial, how did you even find this? This specific upload has less than 100k viewers and is on a channel of assorted shit. Please don't tell me you're subscribed to this guy.

Sleeping Dogs doesn't get enough love. For the ~five dollars I paid like a month after release (due to a glitch on Steam) it was well worth the price.

You absolutely should play it. It's one of the best games of 2012 and at its insanely low cost of entry there's no excuse.

*salutes* Goodbye World of Goo, you've served us valiantly.

Enough! Just make me Warcraft 4.

*rolls eyes*

I can see how it'd be boring, but with a good commenter it can be entertaining. Hell, people watch Twitch streams all the time and they're usually just playing a game normally.

No, you got it right. You should do it after a syllable, not in the middle.

As interesting as these runs are, I'd like to see speedruns of people beating the game legitimately as well. To me that's far more relatable, and because I can compare it to my own skill, impressive.

[Serious Question] On the subject of you guys being real journalist and Stephen Totilo possibly having to deal with the FBI: Do you guys vet your stories and sources? How intensive is the process? I've been watching the HBO series Newsroom, and their fictional vetting process seems pretty thorough, but I doubt that a