The Palmtop Tiger

One step closer to my "Google street view as a game" fantasy. I'd wander around for days in that shit. Want to go to Israel, but don't have thousands of dollars and don't fancy getting shot? Strap this VR helmet on and go!

Using the gamepad as a PC controller has been around for over a year if I remember correctly. Video streaming recently came out actually. It's pretty involved, but it's an exciting step. I expect full streaming/controlling capabilities on the Wii U pad within a year, and effective Wii U emulation within a few years.

About an hour away from New York City. Given that the North East is generally liberal, it's strange that people are still so closed-minded about gender roles.

Yeah, those are usually the first two guesses, sometimes followed with "is the doctor also a priest?"

A lot of people still have difficulty with the concept that women can hold jobs that were held by men a few decades ago. CEOs, lawyers, doctors, these are all jobs that were traditionally held by men and when someone goes in to see "doctor hammerstein" they're still expecting to see a man. The opposite is also true,

It seems kind of silly that they would offer the same card with and w/o an adapter for the same price. Shouldn't the one with the adapter be slightly more expensive? I'm not complaining, I'm just confused why anyone would buy the one without the adapter if both are available for the same price.

She looks fairly young considering the position that she holds. That's not to say that she's incapable of doing her job, I doubt she could've risen so high on looks. She probably got so popular on the web because she is so young though, kinda like the mohawk guy from NASA, Bobak Ferdowsi.

You clicked on an article with a title that includes the words "Erotic Anime Character"! How could you not expect NSFW content? "Erotic, surely that means covered from eyes to ankles. No chance that anything objectionable will be shown here." I mean, this was just a ridiculous thing to write.

We need a whole array of dogs that each have characteristics similar to the character they're meant to portray. Petra dog, make it happen.

I give it a year. Playing through the beta I didn't feel at any point like it was anything spectacular. In reality I thought that it fell short of both its MMO competitors and The Elder Scrolls series from which it is based. It'll definitely find a market, and it might do better than a lot of the other subscription

INB4 "Why are there only hot women?"

The gaming community is unfortunately very aggressive toward all types of minorities, homosexuals are among those who have it the worst. Unfortunately, I can't force other gamers to behave like decent human beings, the best I can do is call them out on it when I see them acting inappropriately. My hope is that as the

Cons geared toward specific groups within a culture isn't problematic until it becomes exclusionary. As long as a female oriented or black oriented (or whatever oriented) con is receptive of people outside of their group then it's all good. If your con is a gated community that's excluding people based on gender,

I misread this as :

Just make Warcraft 4 T_T

I wish I knew. I'm pretty sure they're referring to the sensation, not the flavor, but given that I've never been suspended by piano wire while someone hits the strings, idk what that is supposed to mean.

I live in NJ, and I only go in to the city during the off-seasons. I'm talking summer, middle of the week, and not during rush hour. Even with all of these precautions I'm left standing and brushing shoulders with people 9/10 times in subway cars. I'm almost tempted to walk around the city, but that would take so long,

Traditional controllers have been perfected.