The Palmtop Tiger

I used to think that people will regret their tattoos when they're old too. Then I realized I'm going to look like shit when I'm old whether or not I have a tattoo. I'll still never get a huge tattoo, but I'm not longer adverse to people getting them.

I love limp corn biscuits.

They are mostly hit or miss. There are some pretty good ones, among them are Soul Eater and Fairy Tail, and then there are really bad ones.

So chewing 5 gum isn't an enjoyable experience?

What the flying fuck man. I'll stick with my never on time trains if I never have to experience that. Christ, that's like my worst nightmare. Actually, that's not true unless someone also shits their pants and vomits while they're in there.

Now playing

A lot of English dubs are still bad. What is this the 90s?

I think that the 5 Gum commercials are incredibly idiotic. I mean, who has laid down naked on a bed of metal pellets while subwoofers vibrate them? I really doubt that anyone has, or that anyone has a burning desire to. Who they are marketing to is a mystery to me.

They're pretty liberal about sexual acts, except for the actual act of sex. Look at their porn.

Considering that the sanctuary in Assassin's Creed 2 featured 2 Asian assassins (one Mongolian, one Chinese,) Japan wouldn't be much further of a stretch.

@Scazza, remember in February when you told me that Kotaku was a laughing stock who's real journalists have all left and they haven't broken a story in years? Behold my "I told you so" song and dance. Clearly Kotaku still has chops, otherwise they wouldn't have been the first to break the story.

You can't fool me Ubisoft!

for extra immersion.

But... Diablo 2 was released in 2000. You do make me want to play Nox again though. Christ that game was good, I wish that it got a sequel.

Let's be clear, it is not basically an entirely different game. All of the combat mechanics worked exactly as they used to, and that's what you'll be doing most of the time. What has changed is the way that loot drops work, some stats have been removed, some rebalanced, paragon levels give an incentive to people who

Angry Irishman indeed. While the system is ineffective in snagging or holding new players, it does a decent job of rewarding players who would be on the game anyway. I think the point is that long time players were complaining about not being rewarded for playing, and this was a way of shutting them up. Are the

I can't defend the position that EA is/was the worst company in America for the past three years. It just doesn't make sense.

That run requires exploits whereas the one above does not. I don't think that they're comparable. In case anyone is interested: Here's a vid, skip to ~8:00 to see the actual exploit.

Makes sense to me.

I doubt that a proportional Knuckles would've made much of a difference. People would just focus more on the fact that he is massive and can somehow still fly, not that his previous designs were particularly aerodynamic.

you get away with more in games then u can in movies these days!