The Palmtop Tiger

She looks like Gluttony from FMA.

But there's so many successful drop outs. A good majority of them even.

I forgot.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't China restrict consoles?

"Yes, yes, I invented that type of porn. Yes, that was me." No, Stewart was not joking. He was dead serious.

Although I'm not sure how much more power can be squeezed out of the 360 and PS3, I think Carmack has a point, that being that game devs finally have a handle on the system and it is being labeled as obsolete. The 360 and PS3 had a longer life cycle than any other console to date, but they were also more complicated,

I think you might be an exception to the rule. I know of very few people who would rather watch a non-competitive game than play it.

I actually did play vanilla, but we're not in vanilla anymore are we?

I don't think it's that strange, though Doom is a bit brutal. A school I visited in NJ was having a Halo and CoD tournament ~six years ago. My old high school also had a video game club where someone (or a few people) would bring in a console and controllers and people would play after school. IDK if the school I

Paladin wearing cloth? Worst pali ever.

I think that's starting to change with the rise of alternative hip-hop. We're starting to see less raps about smoking weed, getting hammered, and killing people, and more relatable things are on the rise. Stuff like this hasn't become super mainstream yet, but I think it'll get there by the end of the decade. Rap is

Looking at that illustration, Urgot from League of Legends has to be at least partially influenced by this Doom creature.

The most fun I've had in the game so far is when I'm NOT shooting stuff.

Interesting, so you're saying that the coordinates that the player puts in would serve as a seed for the world. I like it. Starbound is doing the same thing. Each set of coordinates is the seed for a planet and its satellites.

As Senselocke said, the problem isn't going to be the availability of console because they're freaking everywhere, it is going to be the availability of games. Xbox Live was cut for the original Xbox in 2010 (~4 years after the release of the 360,) it is probably safe to assume that the 360 will get a similar

Agreed, it is a bit strange. I wish that there was an Xbox and 360 emulator though. Who knows how long I'll be able to hold on to my consoles, and how long they'll work for. I'm especially concerned for the 360 considering my track record with them. I've gotten 3 RRoD and my current Pro (white) model can't connect to

Wii emulation is up and running, and it works pretty well. There aren't any 360 or PS3 emulators. There isn't even a working original Xbox emulator.

Please never distribute that link, it is not only fake, but also a survey scam.

I hope that the investors are wrong, but I won't be getting Omni for the same reason that they stated. It is just too damn big! I live in my parents house (I'm a college student), so the only space that I can say is my own is my room, which is fairly small, and my parents would never allow something like this to be in

People getting angry about backwards compatibility XD. It's interesting really how soon people forget that in the old days there was no backwards compatibility. Obviously it is a nice feature to have, but I don't think it is a deal breaker. I don't particularly mind keeping my old consoles, I still have my Sega Genesis