The Palmtop Tiger

I can't help but wonder what the waiter's reaction would be if someone seriously said, "No, I want Coke."

This is why I got a computer with a window; also because I have LED fans and they look cool.

Spiders are the one bug I won't kill. They generally aren't annoying, and they take care of the mosquito problem in my area, so they're pretty convenient.

milkshakes. I think that Sonic's PB&J flavor is pretty good.

The last time I checked, breasts are not a reproductive organ.

erm... I don't even walk around topless in my own house, and when other men walk around topic I find it wholly unappealing. The primary difference between a topless male and female though, is that female breasts are considered secondary sexual organs whereas men's are not. Since women's breasts are considered sexual

This fuckin' guy.

Maybe this backlash will help dissuade other devs from doing the same thing? Who am I kidding? It's always about the bottom line.

Yeah, I normally have the 3d off anyway. I only put it on to see animations for the first time.

I've noticed this; you'd think that Nintendo can optimize a game for their own console.

It evolves in to an ugly monstrosity. From what I've heard from a friend who is currently in post-game, it wrecked his team during the Elite Four (or was it a trainer that came shortly after?)

Well, regardless of whether or not you take its design seriously, you probably will take its battle prowess seriously. Some of the tougher trainers in X & Y have a Klefki, and it's fully capable of wrecking your shit. The first time I went up against one, that's what happened. I almost got destroyed. Hence, I suppose,

Ok, I'm against censorship in videogames. I think that seeing video games as art, and thus being protected under the first amendment is both a true statement, and a viable defense. Trying to defend video games by citing the second amendment is ridiculous though, I can't see anyone realistically going for it.

It might've been more beneficial to contact MS and Sony. I imagine three possibilities; all preorderers get a refund or get their preorder transferred to another bundle, or the "bundle" stands without Watch Dogs and preorderers get a digital download code at a later date.

Same here, I never learned it, I think it is because Yu-Gi-Oh was more popular at the time. I recently found my old Pokemon cards, including the MewTwo from the theatrical release of the first movie, and I regret that I didn't take the time to learn it.

That's actually a fantastic system. If Magic did that then I would probably go back to playing it.

I agree with you. It reminds me of Choose-Your-Adventure-style stories, and that's not something that'll work with a big audience. The other thing that it reminds me of are quick-time events, again, this won't work in theaters. I can see them making a quick-time event based game on one of their consoles though.

So I decided to breed for a shiny for the first time. It's hell, I'll never do this again. I've spent 5 solid hours and have made more than 100 Ralts.

As long as we're sharing cosplay from this year's NYCC:

Yeah, I'm not so sure that it is a no-talent job. I've had a long conversation with Michael McConnohie and Melodee M. Spevack (both pretty big and long-standing names in voice acting, particularly in anime) and it seems pretty difficult. I met them at an AMA-style con panel, and spoke to them afterwards. They (and