The Palmtop Tiger

The system itself isn't necessarily bad, but it enables people to vote along party lines, it makes it significantly easier. It also shuts out anyone who is not running under the two dominant parties because "an independent vote is a wasted vote." The two party system can remain in place, but we need to reform the way

I think that the two party system is destroying US democracy. People will literally vote along party lines without knowing anything about the specific candidate which they are voting in to office. It's awful. I asked my mom why she was voting for Mitt Romney and her response was, "I don't know, he's Republican."

Where were you two hours ago? I would've gotten X! T_T

Why would anyone take a picture of it, and why is the lighting so bad in that photo? You have a lamp right there!

Is that actual lore? I'd find it strange if everyone in the Pokemon universe was vegetarian, and there aren't any animals other than Pokemon in the universe.

If we were to include tabletop games in general then I'd throw in Munchkin as the top friendship breaker. Seriously, that game is so fun and so full of evil.

I think both. As a child I played Pokemon Red (I was like 6 when i got it.) While I certainly wanted to catch them all, I was enjoying the gameplay itself more than simply collecting pokemon. Similarly, I enjoyed Digimon World for PSX, but the battles were massively fun.

I'm not so sure that's the case, it is certainly one of the primary features, but it isn't the only one. If I wanted to just collect things then I'd start a stamp collection.

Do you actually see most kids? I feel like you don't; you imagine most kids playing those games.

I'm not sure that comparing Pokemon and Skylanders is exactly right, I mean, gameplay-wise they are very different, so it would make sense for a kid to like one and not the other.

I'd rather get a more standard Linux distribution on it.

Divinity 2 is a very good title. I'd say that it was the "Kingdoms of Amalur" of its time, meaning that it was a good, but underrated RPG.

The mod was so good. As long as this is a new experience, I think it is worth checking out.

lol, my dog barks and jumps around (it's a terrier) but never actually gets close enough to other dogs for any interaction. She'll try to kill squirrels and birds though; once she actually caught and killed a pigeon and presented it to me, it was kinda gross.

I wouldn't hate it, but I don't think I'd look forward to it either. It'd be nice in the sense that it would add several more hours of playtime, but I think I'd rather have a continuation or spinoff of the main story.

That seems like a bad idea even if you trust your dog. Many places have leash laws, so if the wrong person sees that then they could have a shit fit and you could get a ticket.

Rockstar is going to take this as an invitation to make GTA 5: Undead Nightmare, because all horror games need zombies.

Now playing

Sorry, I have a low tolerance for bullshit.

Right, so I don't exactly get my jollies off on torturing kids, but some context on these videos is probably good.

That's an awful bug, I've been dealing with it all day.