The Palmtop Tiger

I use Steam primarily, but I check Desura's new releases a few times a month for stuff that I might be missing.

So how heavily do you guys think this scene will be when it get's localized? I'm gonna say that they completely take out the scream and just show Charmander get knocked down then cuts to Red recalling him.

lol obviously; you can ask a five year old if they'd rather be forced to look at a blank screen for 15 minutes or 3 hours and they'll tell you the same thing.

I actually like this idea for Arma, it just makes sense.

I got my Wii U on Christmas morning, so I immediately plugged it in and started updating it. By the time I got back from spending Christmas with the family it was done. It wasn't a big deal for me, but I can see how it could be.

The Sonic OVA wasn't bad. It'd be ok if it was like that.

lol, good point.

Is that a good price for batteries? Batteries are one of the things that I don't really ever look at the price for because I rarely buy or need them.

Hell yes. I've spent hours playing Audiosurf both on PC and on my Zune. The new modes look like fun.

I understand now. I seriously doubt that it'd be like that tbh. If you look at past LoZ games, you've always been able to buy bombs, arrows, nuts, sticks, health, and mana. I think that all of that stuff is still likely to be found in nature as well. But now instead of finding equipment in dungeons you just rent/buy

I beat Penny Arcade 3, and am half way through 4. Unfortunately, I've barely played their two other RPGs, even though I have them. They're really good, but they fell to the wayside when Steam sales came around.

If you don't want to pledge any money to the project then don't. I think that these are the best kind of projects; ones that you know are going to get done and are likely to be good. I really don't see how projects made by established studios are, in any way, ruining kickstarter. For the most part projects aren't

Just to be clear; there was no indication that items were going to cost IRL money, and in the video it even shows Link renting items with rupees.

As if Vikings weren't already cooler than pirates.

I'm also concerned for the Wii U, the only real incentive is Super Smash Bros, and that is announced for (probably late) 2014. On top of that, the fact that it is also available for 3DS weakens the incentive.

We have this vision where we want to culture this.. camaraderie... with strangers, to show your not suffering alone

a BMX bike will snap itself and the person riding it like a twig if taken freeriding/downhilling.

I guess it is convenient in the sense that people can now play Wii games on the toilet provided that they don't accidentally throw the wiimote in to the toilet. Not that I ever would play a Wii game in the bathroom, that just sounds like a bad idea.

Now playing

Sort of related: I recently stumbled upon a game called MTBFreeride, it's a BMX game. It's still in beta, so it is pretty rough around the edges, but the basic gameplay is there, and it is pretty exhilarating. I'm pretty excited for final release, it has Oculus Rift support, so when I get my hands on a pair I may

Now playing

Sort of related: I recently stumbled upon a game called MTBFreeride, it's a BMX game. It's still in beta, so it is pretty rough around the edges, but the basic gameplay is there, and it is pretty exhilarating. I'm pretty excited for final release, it has Oculus Rift support, so when I get my hands on a pair I may