The Palmtop Tiger

I know that the level rule applies to PVP, but I've definitely had a huge level difference when I've successfully summoned help. I must've been ~level 15 and I summoned someone who two-shotted Sif (the wolf), and he gave me a bunch of late game loot before we got Sif.

I was reading online that who you get to play with has something to do with the time that the characters were made. It could be complete BS, but it seems plausible. My friend and I decided to reroll at the same time to test it, and our summoning signs showed up on the new characters.

Are they actually going to let you play with friends this time? My friend and I got the game thinking that we'd be able to play together; think again sucka! Also, I hope they've improved their servers, I've failed to summon or be summoned more times than I can count.

Like I said, it'd be risky to continue the series without the original writer, but that's not to say that it won't work. I think that the fan-made Mother 4 will either prove that the series doesn't need Itoi or squash even the slightest chance of an official sequel.

That's true, but Nintendo does hold the property rights, so if they wanted they could go over his head. It'd be a risky move though.

I actually didn't know that it existed until just now. I'll need to check it out. You're right about the Wii's platform games, there are a lot of good ones. I wish that other publishers knew how to make good games on Wii though.

Go for it man, I wish you luck.

How many pieces of shit out there still call black people niggers? We have a black President for the love of God.

Star Fox actually has more recent titles than F-Zero. The last F-Zero was on GBA in 2004, but the last console release was on Gamecube in 2003. Star Fox 64 got a remake in 2011 on the 3DS, it also had a DS game in 2006 and a Gamecube title in 2005.

No, I get it, bullies are scum. I just don't think that crying about this case on the internet is the way to go about bringing change. People don't respond well to temper tantrums. They aren't going to change because you're complaining, you need to make them understand. People seem to think that trans are like The

Like I said before, I don't think that it was a nice thing to do, but it is the nature of the job. Could he have avoided the subject or done the joke more tastefully? Absolutely, but if he thinks that he's going to get laughs then he's going to go for it. Really, I think that we have to look at comedy, and the

To be fair, there is a lot of confusion regarding transvestites, transgenders, and transsexuals. People tend to think that the terms are interchangeable, and since most people don't encounter trans-anything they aren't likely to be corrected.

This is an issue in the same way that racial jokes are an issue. It will offend certain people, but others will get a laugh out of it. At the end of the day comedians will do whatever it takes to get laughs regardless of who they offend. Ideally a comedian can pull off a clean routine, or they could make offensive

Sounds legit. I'm 20 and I can't make the distinction between Minecraft and RL.

Good question.

Shane, I want to get a Crown Victoria at 80% off, make it happen man!

It's an interesting idea, and I'll try to keep an open mind, but I'm skeptical. I have had terrible experiences with trackpads, they don't really work for me.

Wait for the PC release.

I'd love to buy (or ideally, build) my own arcade cabinet for the basement. My basement has a theater room with a projector and theater seats, and I'd like to make the basement lobby in to a theater lobby with a snack counter and an arcade machine. I think it'll look pretty cool.

As glorious as that collection is, you need a little more storage space and organization I think; it looks like it'll be filled by the end of this console generation.